fourteen. SUPPLIER.

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     THE COUPLE spent most of their morning and afternoon watching cartoons again, this time not high and holding hands, when the phone went off and Rhys sighed, getting up to rush over to it. "Rhys? Hey, hi, it's me, Avery." The girl said and Rhys just let out a small sigh. "Hi Avery..." He said, rubbing his eyes. "So, I just came from a funeral! How fun, right?" She said and his face scrunched up at that.

"How is that f--" "I'll cut to the chase, so apparently word's been getting around that you've been seen wearing Eddie's shirt by a neighbour, so I eavesdropped on Jason and his little buddies, they put your name down as a place to go to look for Eddie because they're on a manhunt for your man." She said and Rhys glanced over at Eddie instantly.

He's giggling at the cartoons with hooded eyes and looks distracted, Rhys couldn't just spring this onto him. He turns away, "yeah, okay. Thanks for helping, even though you kinda ran your mouth off to Dustin and those other dweebs." He says and Avery glanced over at Silas who's eating a grilled cheese sandwich and glancing over a few times.

"Yeah, I sort of owe you and it'd be shitty of me not to warn you about them." She says and Rhys just sighs softly. "Did they say when they were gonna be doing this little manhunt?" He murmured quietly to make sure Eddie didn't hear him. "Nope, just that they're all splitting up and searching houses one by one." She says and Rhys grimaced, hoping his place wouldn't be the first one on their list.

"Okay, thanks for the heads-up, Ave..." He said then she nods. "Yeah... be careful." She said and he just hung up, turning to see Eddie sit up a bit to take a sip from his soda. "Who was that?" The Munson finally glanced over and Rhys glanced around. "Avery..." He said quietly then he came over to the couch, sitting by him. "I don't wanna alarm you or anything, but I think it's best you go back to the boathouse." He tells him and Eddie immediately looks at him.

"Right--right now? I don't wanna be alone, Rhys, you know that." He says quietly and Rhys sighs. "Yeah, I know, I know, but, um, it might be best, um, I'll come by later with supper, okay? I got you, like I said, I'll be right here and it's not that far, it's like right in my backyard, alright?" He says and Eddie just softly nods. "Fine, yeah." He turns his head away.

"I also kinda have to give you your shirt back." He says and Eddie looks at him right away, furrowing his brows. "Do you not wanna be together already? It's only been--" "no, no, no, it's not that." Rhys grabs his hand gently right away. "I'm just... if people see me in it, they'll figure out that I'm keeping you here." He says and Eddie just nodded softly, turning to face Rhys, slipping off Rhys' shirt. "Okay, here," he held it out and the blond just glanced down, taking his shirt from the brunette's hand.

He also slips off the Hellfire shirt, handing it over. "You're in good hands, like I said." He tells him and Eddie nods, as Rhys leaned over and planted a soft kiss on his lips. He smiles softly, he really should tell him Jason and his friends were on a search for him, but he didn't wanna freak him out and make him potentially run away. "You'll be fine." He cups Eddie's face in his hands, smiling before leaning in.

"Okay. I trust you..."

So once Eddie got to the boatshed, without being seen or anything, Rhys got to cleaning up, making sure it looked like Eddie wasn't here at all, the dishes, everything Eddie had worn, he put on and took with him, he put away everything and stared at his sheets in distress, but it's too late as a knock came at the door. It's too late to even toss them in the washer.

"Fuck." He muttered and approached the front door, slowly swinging it open. "Hey." He says and the blond boy leading the little group of three smiled. "Dirty Harry? Or do I call you Harry?" He asked and Rhys crossed his arms. "Um, whatever works, I don't really cares... so, who are you guys? Do you perhaps indulge?" He opened the door more wider.

"No. We don't touch that crap. We're athletes." He says and Rhys quickly pushed the door back again, putting his hand on the wall by the door. "Then you have no business here and therefore, you should leave." He smiled kindly and went to close the door but something in the way stops it, a weapon. Rhys paused, "okay. Fine. What is it you three gentlemen want then?" He slowly opened the door wider.

"Have a little look around... you know Eddie Munson, right? You're his supplier. We have reason to believe he's here." Jason says and Rhys shook his head. "No, don't know him. Sounds like a weirdo." Is all he says and Jason glanced past him. "Look, here's the deal, we'll leave our weapons here at the door, right boys?" He looks to the other two.

"Yeah." The one to his right nodded as the curly haired one in a cap nods as well. "Absolutely." He says and Rhys just glanced behind him. "Yeah, sure, a quick look around, alright?" He said and Jason nods right away.

"So why are you guys looking for him?" Rhys acted dumb as the group split up, so he followed Jason around to make sure he doesn't find any incriminating evidence Eddie was actually here. "He killed my Chrissy." He says and Rhys' face scrunched up in confusion.

"Eddie would nev--" Rhys stopped himself when Jason immediately looked over before continuing. "What I mean is that... this Eddie Munson guy sounds like--" he's cut off with Jason's fist colliding with his face. "He's defending that freak! Grab him!"

The other two quickly grabbed Rhys and pulled him up. Jason landed a few more blows to his face, his stomach then grabbed his collar as the other two let him go. "Where are you keeping him?" The shorter haired blond asked and Rhys just spits out his blood at him. "Blow me." He says and Jason grimaced before headbutting the man harshly who got thrown back onto the floor. "Fucker." Rhys muttered.

As for Eddie, he'd been panicking and trying to get a hold of Dustin, watching the house from the window. He wanted to run back into the house and help Rhys so badly, but God knows he's lost many fights to Jason, it's worse when there's two more of them. So his next best bet was contacting Dustin as much as he can to get a hold of him and get their help. But there was no answers. "Wheeler. Anbody?!"










authors note this is the "shit" i said i was gonna put rhys through, those asshole jocks beating him up so he protects eddie

+ i slept in (i get the day off on fridays) so i couldn't update until now

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