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A/N: a picture to visualize the first scene

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A/N: a picture to visualize the first scene.

You looked around the dark room that was dimly lit with few candles which flickered as soft breeze blew in.

All you had come for was just one thing, to gain popularity. Not that you needed it at your ten years of living but because of how inflamed your mind was with series of adult movies, you needed to set your future right. (It was so absurd for a ten year old to be worried about future popularity).

You recently found a grimoire when you were rummaging through ancient books in the library. Probing through the old dusty book that had few edges frazzled, it had useful contents that you needed.

At first you didn't see it as something that was possible but as you smuggled the grimoire out of the library and sat on the floor of your bedroom with crossed legs and sweat beads on your forehead, you feared that something might just happen.

After following the instructions of the book carefully, the last stage was donating a drop of blood to the book which you were obviously hesitant to do.

After following the instructions of the book carefully, the last stage was donating a drop of blood to the book which you were obviously hesitant to do

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A/N: a grimoire.

Mustering every bit of courage in you, you quickly made a cut on your index and allowed your blood drip once into the book before you change your mind.

A wind came, blowing off almost everything in your bedroom.

You anxiously waited for someone to appear but your head felt heavy and you passed out, which led you to the dark room you were currently seated.

Looking at the candles flickering, wondering why and how the room was outrageously cold but mostly, your eyes examined the strange drawings on the walls and ceiling.

You were certain that you love ancient stories including arts but these, they looked more mysterious and frightening then any you had ever seen.

You didn't even know how you manage to get to your aforementioned location. All you knew was what you wanted.

You hear a dark chuckle.

It terrified every fiber in you. Somehow, you wished to be in your room and far away from who just chuckled.

"You called me", the deep voice echoed through the room.
You couldn't see his face but you could tell he had a smirk on.

"So why am I here instead?", you asked, as your coarse voice came out almost as a whisper.

He growled softly.
"I do not go to people just because they sent for me", all you hear in his deep voice was pride and arrogance.

You weren't disturbed by that, all you needed was what you needed.

"I came-", he rudely interrupted you.

"-to gain popularity..", he took few steps closer but paused halfway, " have something rare, something I want", you heard every bit of darkness in his voice, terrifying you to your core.

"And wh-what is that?", you stuttered.

"Your soul and blood", he traced his extremely cold finger down your jawline.

It hit you.
"I can't give you my soul!", you gasped out as if you weren't the one muttering unknown words under your breath in your bedroom few minutes ago.

Another dark chuckle flew out his mouth.
"There's no going back little girl", he whispered as all the candles went off and cold wind flew in.

Fear creped into you, you felt like turning the hands of time, with your heart going wild behind your rib cage.

"Fine, fine, turn the candles on", you said, trying hard not scream for help which you knew clearly no one would hear.

The candles came on again and you saw a cauldron which has not been here previously, hung over hot-red fire.
Even from the distance at which you sat from it, you still felt its heat as a massive plume of steam filled the room, increasing the unbearable heat coming from the fire.

"I'll trap your soul in that cauldron over there", he pointed to the fire, "then I'll grant you your request", he walked over to the fire.

You found it totally strange how he stood so close to the fire without it having any effect on him.

You knew for a fact that you had asked for help through a book and ended up momentarily in this unusual room with funny, scary and spooky drawings.
What you didn't know was who this man was and why he was demanding for your soul and blood.

"You will be exceptionally popular, all over the world", he announced proudly.

"That's it?", you asked in bafflement.

"Yes at the cost of your soul... and blood"

"Why my soul? Why not money or chocolates or just my blood?", you asked again in genuine inquisitiveness.

He laughed sharply.
"I'm the devil, making deals with mortals is what I do"

You sat there unable to grasp what was happening.

"So, do we have a deal?"

"So, do we have a deal?"

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DEAL WITH THE DEVIL Where stories live. Discover now