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Orion paced back and forth in Lucifer's throne room waiting for his arrival.

"Orion", Lucifer called.

Orion turned around to face the devil, he couldn't even hide his anger.
"What were you thinking Lucifer? Were you really going to kill her if I hadn't intervened!?", Orion shouted.

"Yes", Lucifer replied flatly.

"I told you earlier on, killing her would only make things worse for you, it wouldn't help"

"Am I supposed to serve a punishment that was given to ruin my existence gladly?"

Orion sighed. He actually felt his pain.
"Just give it a try Lucifer, at least a little burden will fall off your shoulders"

" mean I should mark her?"

Orion nodded.
"Once you mark her, it will take a while before the urge comes back", he walked closer, "she might even be dead before then", he whispered into his ears.

Lucifer's face lit up with an evil smile, "now that sounds more interesting"

"We need to go back to her now", Orion suggested.

"No, I'll go alone. Stay back and look after my kingdom"

Orion's eyes widened, the devil himself is asking him to look after his kingdom?

"Sometimes I wish I couldn't hear your thoughts, you ancient demon"

"But you know I'm not worthy of it"

Lucifer exhaled in frustration.
"Stop acting like a child now, I have a mission to accomplish", with that said, he turned his back and began to walk away but stopped halfway when Orion called his name. "Be careful", Orion warned.

He smiled to himself, "ok father", he said sarcastically and continued with his steps.


You just sat in bed, unable to tell what was real and what wasn't. Your phone beside you rang and you picked it up immediately.

"Hey, I got bad news", Roy said over the phone.

"Any bad news would be better than telling me you aren't spending the night with me"

"Even worse Y/N, I'm going to India with my mom", he broke the news.

You just froze in place, trying to make sense of what he had said.


"Turns out, Aunt Linda still needs to undergo another surgery. My mom asked me to accompany her and I couldn't say no", he explained.

"Oh, that's totally fine, I can stay on my own", you let out a little laugh, "I've got Anne"

"You don't associate with your servants Y/N, are you sure you'd be fine? I could stay back"

"No, just go, I'd be fine, I promise"

"If you say so. I'll keep calling and don't forget to miss me less"

"In your dreams lunatic"

The call ended.
With a weird smile, you picked your pillow and screamed into it. You just lied that you'd be fine, knowing that you haven't even been fine for a while now, nor have you eaten.

You haven't been so confused in your life like you were now.

Lucifer sat on a rooftop still gaining sight of your bedroom. He had planned to come and talk to you and to also mark you but seeing your current state, he decided against it.

After all, he was the cause of it. Showing up casually could cause more damage.
He recalled Elva's words, 'stop ruining your chances with her'

This time, he was going to do the right thing for the first time, follow Orion's advice and give what ever was going to happen a try. Elva had made sure he had no way of knowing how everything will end so all he had was nothing, not even hope.

He came down from the roof and started walking, trying to get a place to spend the night.
"I can't remember the last time I came down to earth for a mission by myself", he said as he scanned his surrounding.

After compelling a landlord to let him live rent-free, he walked into his new home. The apartment was well furnished, making his stay on Earth less stressful.

He made himself comfortable on a sofa, " Orion", he summoned and instantaneously, Orion appeared.


"Close your mouth before fire comes out of it and burn down my new apartment"

Orion turned to face Lucifer, but as soon as he looked his way, a frown settled on his face.
"What did you do to your appearance, Lucifer?"

"What? You don't think I look good enough? Besides, if I wanted to make this work I'd have to look my best, right?"

"You... You look like an angel Lucifer"

Lucifer chuckled, "the irony"

"Are you sure you wouldn't end up attracting everyone on Earth?", Orion laughed.

"Shut up, this wasn't why I summoned you"


Lucifer walked into the small bar that was by the corner, "to have some liquor with me"

"Ah! Well, that's a perfect reason"

This two were actually insperatable. Just like brothers, they may be different in ranks but they had a bond between them that no one else understood.

Two breathtaking normal men, drinking, laughing and enjoying themselves. Who would believe that this was the devil and a demon?

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