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Lucifer sat on his throne surrounded by half-naked women and liquor.

The women swayed their bodies to the rhythm of the music playing in order to please and satisfy him, but it didn't seem to be working because Lucifer sat with an absent mind.

"Lucifer!!", Someone shouted. Even with the loud music, everyone in the throne room heard the person who shouted.

Lucifer looked up, "Lord Orion, did you come here to mock me?"

Lord Orion compelled everyone in the hall and just like that, they all left, leaving only the two of them.

"Do you think liquor and women will solve your problem?", Lord Orion asked as he studied the sober devil.

"Just leave Orion"

Lord Orion exhaled.
"I've never imagined you to be this way Lucifer"

"Sober?", Lucifer asked in a very low tone.

"No,.. weak. If I were you, I'd go to her"

"You mean.... The goddess of nature, Elva?"

"Yes Lucifer! She's making you suffer, go and talk some sense into her"

Hearing what Lord Orion just said, Lucifer pushed out of his throne as his face lit up with a little smile.
"I shall go to her, there must be something..., a way out of this mess", he said and stormed out of the hall, leaving Lord Orion a little bit confused.

Lucifer walked into a place that looked like a garden. The place was bright and full of life, (living creatures). He hated this place more than anything, but he had no option than to come here to get what he wanted.

 He hated this place more than anything, but he had no option than to come here to get what he wanted

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"I thought you hated this place, Lucifer", a soft female voice said.

"I still hate it. Elva-"
She interrupted.
"Hmm, I know why you are here", she said.

"I can't live like this Elva, I really can't..."

"You should have thought about that before going after the soul of an innocent child. You know how much I love children, how much I protect them, yet you went ahead to defile my own. You have to serve your punishment"

Lucifer looked at the greenish goddess who looked like life itself.

Lucifer looked at the greenish goddess who looked like life itself

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"But she called me by herself, this is not my fault!"

"You had the opportunity to ignore her but your greed stood in the way once again"

"That wasn't the first time demanding for someone's soul"

"But that was the first child, my child!"

"I can't have that immature girl as a mate Elva! Do you even know who I am!?", Lucifer shouted.

Elva scoffed.
"I know exactly who you are and you are nothing before my eyes"

He clenched his fists, trying his best to suppress his anger but he was slowly losing it.

"Elva, let me have another punishment, I'll do anything", he pleaded.

"Oh, anything, just so you wouldn't mate the girl you had a deal with?"

"We didn't have a deal, and yes, I'll do anything"

"How desperate. Ok Dragon, it's either you take her as your mate or give up your throne as the devil"

He stared at her in disbelief.
"Give up my throne? That is what makes me who I am, I AM THE DEVIL ELVA, WHAT PART DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND!!!?", he roared.

"I'm sure Orion asked you to come and speak to me, not to raise your voice in my presence"

"So....the best you could come up with is for me to give up my throne, shame.", He smiled.

"You should have thought about the consequences of your actions before going after a child who was mine. You have to face the punishment, Lucifer", Elva voiced.

"Then why are you giving her to me as my mate when she's your child?", Lucifer asked.

"Oh? So now you don't want a girl you tried to have dominion over? It's a punishment Lucifer, I knew it would be very difficult, that's why I gave it to you and time will really tell, soon"

"Time will tell? Elva, I can't have anything to do with that girl, you're making a mistake here"

"The only mistake here is; you terrifying her just to get her soul, you're ruining your chances with her"

"Chances", he chuckled, "she owes me and-"

Elva interrupted curtly.
"-she owes you nothing, stop scaring her"

"Then I'll just kill her"

For the first time he saw anger on Elva's face and a part of him became worried.

"You have two years to mark her as your mate" (two years means two weeks in the opposite world)

Lucifer chuckled.
"You want me to mark her against my will? Do you even know what you are saying?"

"Yes, like I've said a thousand times, it is a punishment, the mate mark will bond you two and you wouldn't be able to hurt her"

"Bond? Elva!"

"It will torture you the same way you have tortured her. See this as.... becoming even", she smiled.

"Well, staying in here has been more than torture to me. So, I'd be looking forward to being tortured, again"

Feeling defeated, Lucifer turned around and began to walk away.

"Lucifer", Elva called and he stopped.

"Sneaking into her home and appearing in scary forms wouldn't help you with your punishment, do the right thing. I'll keep an eye on you"

He ignored her and kept walking out of the garden.

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