Chapter 8

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Disclaimer:I do not own Sonic or Equestria girls,they are owned by Sega and Hasbro Studios/Allspark Animation productions.Sonic is owned by Sega along with the characters while Equestria Girls are owned by Hasbro studios.Also since I don't want to type the song word by word,I'm giving credit to the transcripts( shout out to the transcripts that I borrowed and I would like to give credit to them.
( My_Little_Pony_Equestria_Girls:_Friendship_Games)
(Side Note:Some scenes were inspired by Sonic Archive comics,Sonic X and the Sonic 2 movie )

Chapter 8-Midnight Problems

Back with Sonic

Sonic was currently running for dear life with Midnight chasing him around the school.She continued her assault in firing beams of magic energy towards the blue hedgehog who simply dodged each attack.Sonic leaped into the air before landing on top of a building before looking back at her.

Sonic: Listen to me Twilight!You've got to stop this before you get people hurt!

Midnight Sparkle: Like I told your friend earlier,I won't stop until I'm finished learning more about magic!Soon I will have all the magic in the world!!

Sonic: That will only result in more destruction Twilight,you'll just be one of Eggman's schemes to conquer the world.Don't you get it,he's only using you!!

Midnight Sparkle: Why should I believe you when he's been the only one there for me when the rest of world treated me like their lap dog!

Sonic looked at her with hint of remorse,he could only try his best to reach out to her.

Sonic: Look,I'm sorry you had to go through that alone,I really am but-

Midnight Sparkle: Enough!I'm tired of hearing this conversation over and over again!!You know what you did!Consider this karma for all the things you did to Eggman!

Midnight then fried another beam of energy towards the blue hedgehog who dodged it by leaping into the air and spin dashing away with Midnight following on his trail.

Sonic: Would you just give me a chance to explain!

Midnight Sparkle: No!Someone like you would probably try to come up with excuses about why you bullied people like me!Your just like all of them,people that want to bully the weak because it gives you this sick thrill that your better then everyone!Eggman told me all the things you did to him like how you hurt him after he took you in or how you tease him and constantly try to ruin this life!!

Sonic: First of all,he never took me in or even helped me when I had no one!Second,I would never try to ruin someone's life!Well...besides Eggman of course,but that's because he's not who you think he is,You have to believe me Twilight!

Midnight Sparkle: Never!!

Midnight could only shake her head in denial before she tried swing at the blue hedgehog who dodged the attack before he dashed towards a pole.He then leaped back before spin dashing towards her which she barely dodged the attack with Sonic continuing the goose chase.

Back with Shadow

Shadow and Metal Sonic were neck in neck with both unleashing a serious if blows towards one another before their fist collided with one another creating a shockwave which sent all the desk and chairs flying.Metal Sonic used this opponent to upper cut the black hedgehog before grabbing his leg and throwing him against the wall.Shadow got back to his feet before he leaped towards the robot and punching him straight in the face.Metal retaliates by grabbing the black hedgehog!s shoulder before head bumping him.Shadow could only stumble back before he growled in annoyance before teleporting behind the metal robot before side kicking him which sent him flying against the wall.Before Metal could react,The black hedgehog teleports right in front of him before slamming the robot's face to the ground repeatedly.

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