Chapter 1 First Day

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Well, I guess it's that time again. First day of school as a second year at Inarizaki High. I was just casually sleeping when my twin brother decided it was the right time to yell at me to get up, "Y/N! GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED WE HAVE SCHOOL AND I DON'T WANNA BE LATE! ALSO MAKE SURE YOU GET YOUR VOLLEYBALL STUFF TOGETHER AS WELL!" Rintaro yelled. 

He was right. We do have school and I also don't wanna end up being late like usual. So I end up rushing out of bed to get ready for school.

Once I got there I was greeted by my best friend, April. She was the brightest, sweetest girl I've ever met and she was even one of the top three female liberos. "Hi Y/N! Are you excited for practice later?" April excitedly asked me. 

"I mean yeah, but I'd rather be sleeping." I said as we walked into the building. We both stopped by our lockers before heading our separate ways to class. 

As I was walking into my class, there was a familiar blond male with a bunch of girls surrounding him. This is the one guy I didn't want to see today, or well at all for that matter. Atsumu Miya, one of the greatest setters in Japan. I always found him annoying and very obnoxious. 

Once I finally got to my seat in the back, class started. It was mostly just introductions to what we will be studying. I stared at the window and then there were a pair of eyes that were staring at me and they felt like daggers, so I decided to see who they belonged to. I caught Atsumu staring at me like there was no tomorrow. 

"Why the hell are you staring at me?" I whispered to Atsumu. "You look familiar but I can't pinpoint who you look like." He whispered back at me. I just rolled my eyes and looked away.

After a few classes, it was finally lunch. I was starving and I couldn't wait to eat the leftover onigiri I made. As I happily made my way to the cafeteria, I bumped into someone. 

"Hey, I'm sorry I- Hey wait, you're the girl from earlier." I looked up and saw who the voice was coming from and it was Atsumu. Great, just great. He held out his hand for me to take but I just ignored it. As I started to walk away, he called out, "Hey wait!" I turned to look at him annoyed. 

"Aren't you Suna's sister? Y/N, was it?  I remember him telling me he had a twin who also played volleyball and was an amazing setter." He asked. "Oh, well then yeah I am. I didn't know you knew who I was or that Rin even told you." I said calmly. 

"I was about to go and have lunch with him, my brother, and our captain. Did you wanna go with?" Atsumu asked. "I mean I was looking for him anyway so I don't think it would hurt to go with." I said with a smile.

As we walked through the halls together, there were a ton of girls staring and whispering at each other. I didn't really mind it so I ignored them and went on my way.

Once we got to the cafeteria, I easily spotted my brother and ran to him as fast as I could to give him a hug. "Hey what the hell are you doing?" Rin said. "I missed my brother and I wanted to hug you." I said to him. He rolled his eyes and started introducing you to his friends. 

"Guys this is my twin sister Y/N and this is Kita, Osamu and I see you already met Atsumu." He started saying. The boys were really nice and polite to me so I felt welcomed.

"So Y/N, I heard you play volleyball. What's your position?" Kita asked politely. "I play setter and I'm also one of the top five female setters and I'm hoping one day I'll be number one." I answered.

"You're that high up? How long have you been playing?" The gray-haired twin asked. "I've been playing since I could remember and I even got this lanky piece of shit to play and I'm shocked he stuck with it." I said while slightly laughing.

"Hey! I'm not lanky, that's you Y/N!" Rin yelled. "How am I the lanky one when I'm smarter and older than your dumbass?" I said while side-eyeing him. 

"Y/N you're older?" Atsumu asked. "She's only 5 minutes older." Rin said to him as I smiled.

"Who's the older Miya twin?" I asked them. Osamu answered, "Tsumu is sadly older than me by 5 minutes and I don't even understand how because I'm the smarter and more mature one." I smiled at the nickname he gave Atsumu and I even found it cute.

"Y/N give me some more of your onigiri." Rin said to me. "Absolutely not! Did you not pack enough of them even though I specifically told you to bring extra because I was making enough for you to?" I said in a pissed tone.

"You make onigiri Y/N? It's really amazing and I want your recipe. I tried some of it that Suna gave to me and it was the most amazing thing I've ever had!" Osamu asked while smiling brightly at me. Which ended up in me slightly blushing. "Uh yeah I do make them and of course, you can have it! I'll make a copy of it for you!" I said excitedly because no one has ever told me how amazing my cooking was unless it's my family.

"Really? That would be amazing! Thank you!" Osamu said excitedly. "Yeah, no problem!" I smiled back. "Y/N you should come to our practice sometime! I really want to see your setting style and the way you play!" Atsumu said to me. I tilted my head and asked, "You'd actually let me come?" 

"Yes Y/N of course! You are Suna's sister after all and I don't think the rest of the team would mind." Atsumu said while smiling. "Well then, I'll come after my practice tonight!" I said.

After lunch was over, we made our way back to our classes. The rest of the day was boring as hell but it was finally over and it was time for my favourite part of the day. Volleyball practice.

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