Chapter 12 Some News

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Your POV

I was slowly waking up from the sleep that crying had taken me into and I was on something boney and kind of hard. (Please don't take that the wrong way, even tho I would lol) I opened my eyes and saw Samu and I realized I was lying down on him. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, "What time is it?" He looked at his phone and said, "2:30 AM." I shook my head and laid back down. 

Honestly, he was kinda comfy. He was warm and gave me a nice feeling inside. After a few minutes, my mom came back from wherever she went and noticed I was awake. 

"Hey sweetie, are you ok?" She asked. "I mean honestly, not really." I sighed. "I still have tons of anxiety right now." She bent down and said, "I'm sorry sweetie, I wish I could do anything to make your father better but we all know that's not how the world works."

I snuggled into Samu's shoulder a bit more because her words were right. There was nothing any one of us could do. All we could do was wait. I started quietly sobbing into Samu's shoulder and he was rubbing circles on my back.

I feel bad that Samu has to deal with my anxiety crying ass right now. I don't wanna feel like a burden or anything so I'm honestly trying to keep myself reserved but somehow with him, I can't. I felt a hand gently placed on my leg. I looked over and saw Rin looking at me with sorrow in his eyes. 

You would think that he was an ass and just didn't care about others but in reality, he's a softy, not a big one but he is. Rin has always been there for me, even when times were really difficult. I've always loved him and nothing can stop me from that. 

I sat up and I wanted to get up and walk around. My legs kinda hurt and I was hungry but I didn't wanna just leave ya know? I ended up just sitting there, spacing out and not even having a thought in my mind.

After a while, Atsumu got up and asked if any of us were hungry since he was going to get something. I said yes and I asked for f/s (favourite snack) since he was going to the vending machine. Samu and Rin said what they wanted and then Atsumu left. 

Five minutes later, Atsumu came back, and also a nurse came out and asked for the Suna family to come with her so then she could tell us what is going on with my dad. Atsumu, Rin, my mom, Samu, and I stood up and followed her to a private space so we could discuss the news she has for us.

"Alright, so you guys must be the Suna family?" The nurse asked. My mom answered yes and the nurse started by introducing herself. "Well then, I am Nurse Sakura it is a pleasure to meet you all." She said with a bright smile. "I am currently the nurse that is taking care of your husband Mrs. Suna and I have some news to share that I have been informed of." She paused and took out her notes.

She started telling us some important things about the lung cancer that he has and how it can occur and the things about it. It took her a while to explain it all but what I was waiting for was if he is gonna be alive or not. 

"He has about a 50% chance of living if we don't do a surgery but if we do, that depends on how he's doing after," Nurse Sakura said to us. "I want to make sure we have your approval Mrs. Suna before we move on and do one." My mom looked at me and said, "Y/n, Rintaro, do you think we should have your father go into surgery?" 

I looked and her and thought 'why is she putting this on me and Rin?' I looked over at Rin and we thought the same thing. "Yes, we should do the surgery," I said. "Great! I will inform the doctor and I will come back in a few to tell you guys when the surgery will be happening!" She said and we all walked out of the room back to the waiting room. 

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Hey! I hope y'all like the story so far and I promise it will get better! I had no power and I got it back on recently so I was finally able to finish for you guys! I know I've probably said this a few times but updates will more than likely be sporadic since school starts in a few days but I promise I'm not dead and I'm also not discontinuing the story. Anyway thank you for your patience and thank you for all the reads it means a lot! But anyway I'll see you all in the next chapter!


The Author♡

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