Chapter 2 Volleyball Practice

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"Alright ladies, it is time to start practice! Now start properly stretching, we will start once you all finish." Our captain Aya instructed us to do so.  Once we finished our stretching, it was time for laps.

"Two laps around the whole perimeter of the school!" Aya said as we started to line up in groups of two. I was obviously with April, there was no doubt about that.

We were coming up to our first lap and we got to catch our breath and get a drink of water before we started to run again. The school was so big that it would take around an hour just to walk it. I'm very happy that our captain knew we'd need a break.

"These laps are-" I was breathing so heavily that I couldn't even speak. "A pain in the ass. I know Y/N." April finished my sentence. Once we finally caught our breaths, we had to start running.

After a while of practice, we decided to do a small scrimmage. I had some of the first years on my team because a few of them were on the starting lineup so I needed to get a feel for how they play. It was pretty shaky at first, but then I got the hang of it.

My team ended up taking the win with three out of the five sets we played. We decided to call it a day. "Alright girls, clean up the gym and head home!" Our captain instructed us. "Wanna race?" April asked me with a smirk. "Oh, it's on," I smirked very confidently. Every time we clean, it's always a race between April and me. I've won more times than her though so thankfully I didn't have to get her anything this time.

As I was about to walk home, I remembered something. "Y/N you should come to our practice sometime! I really want to see your setting style and the way you play!" That's what Atsumu said to me at lunch today. Maybe I should go.  I thought to myself.  I need to grab Rin anyway because mom asked me to since dad took Rin's car. After a minute of thinking, I decided to stop by their gym.

Atsumu POV

"Do you think Y/N would stop by today? Or if not today, sometime soon?" I asked while doing passing drills with 'Samu. "I mean she seemed pretty excited when Kita said that she could so I don't know." My brother responded. 

"Do you like my sister 'Tsumu? It hasn't even been 24 hours yet and you got a crush on her already?" Suna said. "I mean she is pretty cute," I said to Suna with a small smirk. "I can't believe you 'Tsumu. You haven't even fully met the girl yet and you're already in love with her. You're such a dumbass" Samu said while scolding me. 

"SHUT YER TRAP SAMU! YOU HAVEN'T HAD A CRUSH SO YOU WOULDN'T EVEN KNOW!" I yelled back at him. "I advise you to stop yelling now before Kita finds out and you have to do laps around the school," Suna said calmly. "Well, I don't think-" I got cut off by a cold voice.

"I assume you'd think I didn't hear you yell Atsumu because I surely did. Now, this is a warning. Yell one more time and you will get four laps around the school." It was Kita's but it was really scary. "And if either of you laugh, you will also get those laps," Kita said while walking away.

"Damn, Kita's always fucking scary," Suna whispered to us. "I mean yea but he can be nice sometimes though," Samu whispered back. "We should probably get back to practice before we get yelled at again," I said to them.

We started passing the ball to each other and having fun like usual. Surprisingly Kita didn't yell at us for somewhat fooling around while practicing. "Alright boys, do 20 serves and start on your individual training! We only have 30 minutes left so do it quickly!" The coach said to us. "Yes sir!" We all said in unison. 

I was on my tenth serve when Samu asked me "Do you know what's for dinner tonight?" I looked at him with a confused face. "Samu, how in the hell do you think I know what mom is making for dinner? I understand you're hungry but-" I was stopped by the gym door opening and saw a familiar face behind it.

Your POV

As I was about to walk out of the girls' gym, someone yelled my name. So I turned to see who it was and it was April. "Y/N!! Do you want me to walk home with you?" She asked with a smile. "Nah, not today. I have to take Rin home since our dad took his car on a business trip." She smiled "Oh alright. Text me when you get home!" "I will don't worry. See ya!" I smiled and waved while she left.

As I made my way to the gym, I heard yelling coming from the door. Well, I guess that just made my anxiety skyrocket. I was really nervous to open the gym door. I was so scared that I was gonna get hit in the face with a ball or something. Even though it's happened multiple times before, it's still pretty nerve-racking. 

A few minutes later, I heard their coach say that they were doing serves and then individual work. I was still nervous to open the door. I procrastinated to open it but when I finally did, everyone stopped and looked at me with confused faces.

Everyone started running towards me. "HEY Y/N! YOU ACTUALLY CAME!" Atsumu said while he was running toward me with a bright smile. "She's only here because she has to drive me home." My brother said to him with his deadpan face. "Why didn't you tell us she was coming?!" Atsumu asked Rin.

"Because I didn't want you to start freaking out that she was and plus, I did forget about it." My brother answered honestly and I could tell. "Well, a little warning would've been nice Suna!" Atsumu said to him.

"Would you drop it 'Tsumu? She's here now so just be happy about that." Osamu said while rolling his eyes. "Ok ok. So Y/N I wanna see your sets so will you set for me?" The blond asked me excitedly. "Atsumu. Calm down. She looks terrified, give her some space." Kita said and turned to me. "I'm sorry about him Y/N. He can't shut up about seeing your sets. If he gets annoying, tell me or slap him, alright?" Kita said to me with a small smile. 

"Oh alright. Let me set my stuff down and I'll play if that's fine with you Kita?" I asked with a genuine smile. "Yeah. You're welcome anytime Y/N." Kita replied with a smile.

After setting my stuff down by my brother, it was time to play with Rin's friends. Well, I guess I'm doing this. I thought to myself while sighing.

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