Chapter 18 To The Grind We Go

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Welp, it's Sunday... the worst day of the week because it is back to the grind the next day. I miss the time I've spent with the twins and my brother but everything nice has to come to an end. I wake up to an empty bed and the smell of pancakes. I walk downstairs and see Samu and Yuri in the kitchen damn it smells good. "Good morinin' sleepyhead! How did ya sleep?" Samu asks as he's washing his hands and grabbing the stuff to set the table. "Umm I slept pretty good- or at least I hope I did.." I give a lighthearted chuckle. He smiles softly as he sets the table.

We all have breakfast together one last time since Rin and I go home today to prepare to go back to school. I'm honestly really upset about leaving since they made me feel at home even if I didn't even want to come in the first place. I shower and get ready but also pack up my things since we leave later in the day. I hear a small knock on the door and its Samu. He comes in and sits on his desk chair and observes me packing. I keep seeing him stare at me intently whenever I turn around. "I feel like ur burning holes into my body because of all that staring." I turn around with my hands on my hips. He blushes softly and nervously smiles. "O-oh I-I'm sorry..... You just look really nice and relaxed that's all." He looks away for a moment but ends up moving to the bed and laying on it. He's so nervous and shy and it's somehow weriding me out even if he acts like he has no friends at school..

After about an hour of packing, I'm finally done. Samu left with his brother a while ago because their mom made them go with her to the store. I lay on Samu's bed and my brother comes in. "Are you finished getting your stuff together?" He asks with barely any emotion. Why he gotta be so boring?  I thought. "Uhh yea why..??" He stares at me blankly, "I mean I was just wondering because I didn't know when you wanted to go back" I don't even wanna leave. I wish I could stay here forever. Not that I hate my parents or anything but these people bring me a sense of peace even though they argue every five minutes and their mom is such a sweetheart, it's hard to go. "Can we go like sometime after dinner?? Pleaseeeee?" I give him puppy dog eyes since I really want to hangout with them more. He rolls his eyes lightly, nods, and walks away. 

I ended up falling asleep for who knows how long. I semi wake up but I'm still laying in the bed and I feel a pair of arms wrapped around me. I wasn't even fully awake so whatever happens, happens. I turn around and I nuzzle my face into his chest and he gently rubs my back. "You can't sleep forever, Sleepyhead." Samu says softly with a small chuckle. I wrap my arms around his body and pull him closer. "I can and I will. Not even you can stop me." I start to fall back asleep when he aggressively gets up, stands in front of me, and picks me up bridal style. I jump because I wasn't expecting him to do that. Holy shit he's strong as hell maybe he can- y/n stop this we can't think this way. I think to myself as I battle with my thoughts. "I guess I can stop you." He smirks and THROWS me on the bed.... I almost hit the wall btw. "DAMN YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO DO ALL THAT YA ASSHAT!" I yell as I pout and cross my arms. He laughs "Well maybe don't challenge me to things you can't win." I roll my eyes and I lay back down and cover back up. I get my way and take another hour long nap and he complies and stays by my side the entire time... weird but ok.


I guess it's that time where I must go back home. I thank Yuri for letting us stay and I give both Tsumu and Samu hugs goodbye (even though I literally see them tomorrow at school bright and early since Kita asked me to help out with their practice since mine is after school) and Tsumu thanks me for giving him April's number because from what I hear, they're hitting it off very well and I'm not surprised in the slightest.

Once Rin and I get home, we are greeted by our mother who is making her famous cheesecake. Damn I miss her so much I thought. I help her make the rest of it since I know she's worried about leaving our father in Tokyo for another week while he recovers. We all know he will be ok but I know she wants to be with him but work really needs her since she's the best in her position. We spend time together eating cheesecake and watching Disney movies together. I miss this and I wish we could spend it with my dad. I miss him so much.

We watched around 5 different movies and I decided to take my leave and get ready for bed. I shower, brush my teeth, and put on my comfy clothes and lay in my bed. My phone goes off and it's a text from Samu. "Hey Sleepyhead! I hope you didn't pass out as soon as you got home but I wanted to let you know that I had a great time with you with the time we spent together even if your circumstances weren't the best, I still had a great time! My bed is gonna feel so empty without you :( but goodnight and I'll see you tomorrow at practice!" My heart felt like it was about to explode. I was kicking my feet and everything. He's such a sweetheart it's not even funny. I send him a cute message back and put my phone on dnd and go to bed.


HI EVERYONE!! It's been way too long. For the last couple of months, I've been thinking about wanting to finish this story because every once in a while when I would think about it, I would see the amount of new people reading and commenting like it's crazy!!! Y'all r so sweet and hopefully I don't just go leaving on y'all again... but thank you for waiting a really long ass time but here's a new chapter! Love ya!

E <3 

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