Oneshot 2- You're My Best Friend (Robin & Max!)

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Summary: In which Robin and Max are best friends, and talk to each other about their respective crushes on Nancy and El. Max spends Saturdays with Robin and Steve at Family Video and on this Saturday, both of them get lucky with their crushes.

Word Count: 6,019


Robin pedals down the street on her bike, the light wind moving her hair in front of her face occasionally. Her destination is a little bit out of the way, and she technically does have a time she has to be somewhere, but she lets herself take her time to enjoy the feeling of the wind and sun on her face as she cycles.

She has work today, as she does most days of the week now that she's finished school with no clue what to do next in life yet. Unlike most days, however, where she'd normally have Steve pick her up, it's the day of the week that she cycles to Max's place first. The younger girl has taken to spending more time with Robin, and will skateboard alongside Robin on Saturdays just to hang out with her — and Steve — at the Video Store. She often leaves throughout the day to skate around outside, go to different stores, or meet up with some of the other kids, but mainly spends time around Robin.

Robin isn't entirely surprised though. She was at first, confused as to why Max would even want to be her friend, but she's sort of adopted her in a similar way to how Steve has basically adopted Dustin at this point. Her and Max have a surprising amount in common, including their need to leave Hawkins, some of their music, how they both like to get around via transport that isn't just driving and how they both like to tease the dudes a lot— Steve and Lucas often getting the worst of it.

Of course, the main reason they both bonded and are close now is the fact that they're both not straight. Robin was glad that Max wasn't one for spreading information a lot cause the younger girl had come to her one day, and asked for advice about liking girls, without even realizing that Robin wasn't even out. Max had just assumed it was obvious enough and apparently also read the writing on the sneakers Robin always wears, and Robin had to admit that the only other person that knew was Steve and that Max was just really good at guessing apparently. 'I mean, you and Steve also just put a lot of emphasis on being platonic and I guess I should have realized that it meant no one actually knew why if you had to put a lot of emphasis but I still just assumed. I mean, you do not look like someone that likes dudes,' Max had said at the time. Robin had laughed at that.

The two of them talk a lot about it now, Max having realised she's bisexual with help from understanding the term from Robin. Max had still broken up with Lucas though, something that was done on good terms and she'd said it was only because she didn't think it was working out but Robin had quickly realized it was because of her crush on El.

Robin turns onto the road leading to the trailer park, and sees Max standing with her skateboard at the end of the dirt driveway like usual. She grins and waves at her. Quickly checking that the road is empty, Robin turns her bike around to face the way she was coming, and slows enough for Max to catch up to her. They start on their way, slower than every time Robin initially bikes there to make sure Max is easily and safely skating beside her, always on the side furthest from the road. It's early enough, like usual, that there's plenty of time for Robin to get to work on time.

   "So, how have you been the past few days? Did you go to see the school counselor again on Thursday? That's the normal day you go, right?" Robin asks after a few seconds of easy silence. It's not what she really wants to ask — though she will always ask about other things too cause she cares about Max — and she knows Max knows it too from the suspicious look she gives her.

   "Yeah, I did. It went well, I think... I talked more this time, so that's good. Just say what you want to say, Robin," Max says, rolling her eyes.

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