Oneshot 4- The Band's New Singer // Ronance

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Summary: In which Hellfire is a band and Robin is their new mysterious singer that Eddie swears Steve and Nancy - especially Nancy - need to see perform and sing one night.

Word Count: 3,668 


   "C'mon, Nance, we're going to miss it soon!"

Nancy rolls her eyes, ignoring her roommate standing impatiently at the door. She double checks that everything she normally takes out with her is in her purse, scanning the main living room just in case, before walking to the door. "It's not my fault you didn't bother to warn me about this until literally an hour before we needed to leave," She argues, as she follows Steve out the door.

   "Well I didn't realize either, okay?" He replies, locking the door behind them as they walk out the door to his car. "But Eddie texted me yesterday saying that his band has a new vocalist that sings with him. He—"

   "I know, Steve," Nancy interrupts, rolling her eyes having heard this earlier when Steve first asked her to come to the club tonight. "Something about him not saying anything about who it is besides that he really wanted me to be there apparently. Something about him having his reasons."

Steve turns to look at her, grinning, as he starts the car and begins driving to the small club Eddie's band is playing at tonight. "Exactly, Nance. And yeah, maybe I forgot about it until an hour ago, but still!"

Laughing, Nancy just tries to hide her smile and look out the window as they drive. She and Steve have been roommates for a few years now. They'd both dated years ago in high school but since moved past that. It's been a few years since either of them were in high school anyways.

She thinks about why Eddie would want her to specifically be here tonight, the whole drive. He's only been friends with her and Steve for about a year but knows a lot about them so there could be numerous reasons. It could be related to some of the songs they're playing— no, Nancy knows that her music taste is definitely never going to be anything in the band's genre. The fact it's called 'Hellfire' is already a giveaway, and she's heard them play too.

Besides, Steve said something about Eddie mentioning a new singer. Perhaps it's someone Nancy knows? But how would Eddie know that? Maybe it's some random dude that Eddie somehow thinks is someone Nancy would like?

A brief thought flickers through her mind that it could be related to what she'd accidentally — drunkenly — admitted to him and Steve months ago and not brought up much since. It can't be true either though, can it? Yeah, he knows. Knows that Nancy is bi, that she likes women too. Hell, he's gay himself. And Steve won't admit it, but it's obvious he likes dudes as well. But she has to tell herself it doesn't make sense. Eddie's band is very... metal. Unless some woman had a weirdly deep voice, it wouldn't fit their music, right? And regardless, in the entire time she's known him, Eddie has never been the one to purposefully point anyone out to her or Steve. It's usually them, actually, that tease him about dudes he could like.

   "Nance? Dude, we're here already," She hears Steve say. Swatting away the hand waving in front of her face, Nancy huffs, unbuckling her seatbelt.

   "Yeah yeah, I can see that now, thanks."

She can see Steve give her a mock hurt expression. "Damn Wheeler, why are you so grumpy? You don't want to figure out the mystery behind Hellfire's new vocalist?"

The two of them get out of the car making sure it's locked before walking down the road. It's unusually packed for such a small club, but Hellfire has picked up quite a following in the year or so they've been making music and the months they've started touring small places.

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