Vegas' Property

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Pete- Vegas your walking slow! We need to go shopping!!

Vegas- Do we have to?

Pete- Yes. I am always home come on!! Do this once for me??

Pete grabbed Vegas' hands and stood in front of his lover giving him the puppy look. His lover knew he couldn't resist that look.

Vegas- Fine, but lets hurry please. I don't like people.

Correction Vegas does not like people looking at Pete. Who doesn't think Pete is attractive. He is FINE! This made Vegas really possessive! He couldn't help but glare at the men and woman who threw glances at his lover.

They entered into a suit shop to get a new suit for the party. Vegas had plenty. While Pete only had one and that was given to the Major family when he left. The others weren't "boss ass bitch" attitude enough according to Pete.

Man- Hello gentlemen! How can I help you?

Pete- I am here to get a new suit.

Man- I can tell.

The man laughed. Pete laughed along, Vegas didn't think it was funny. Instead he took it as an insult towards Pete.

Man- Lets get you fitted.

The man brought Pete up to a large body mirror located at the back of the store. Vegas followed and watched the man closely. He did not want him to show any sign of interest in Pete.

Man- Okay just step on this platform and lift your arms for me to measure.

Vegas already knew he was not going to like this. This man was too close for comfort. Pete had noticed and was getting nervous. No matter who it was, he knew when he came to him being possessive, there was no stopping. Instead Pete hoped it would go by fast.

They were almost through the session when the man was face to face with Pete. This sent panic through Pete and jealousy through Vegas. He leaned forward and propped his elbows on his knees. He was intensely watching everything before him.

Man- Okay your all done.

Pete- Oh thank everything!

The man eyed Pete but walked away go to the back to pull suits out for him to look at.

Vegas got up from the seat and made his was to Pete.

Vegas- Did you enjoy it?

Pete- Oh for fucks sake Vegas, no.

Vegas felt rage, he didn't like the fact that Pete was talking like this to him. He silently and slowly grabs Petes chin and moves his face closer to his.

Vegas- Speak to me like that and I will have to show everyone how submissive you can get.

Pete didn't say a word, instead he stared into his lovers eyes. Oh how he loved when he got like this. He couldn't let it show. Although from Vegas' smirk he already knew he won. He dropped his hand from his chin before bringing it back up to pat his head.

Man- Alright here are all of the suits I think are perfect match due to your measurements and your skin tone. Please take your time, I need to go attend others.

The man walked away and Pete stepped closer to the rack of suits. His fingers skimmed all of them to check the fabric first. He then orders them a different way to show which fabrics his liked. He chose a blue, black, and gold one to try on first.

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