Happy Family

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Molcha- Papa!

Pete jumped up from the bed. His hair was messy and uncleaned. His face dirty and teeth unbrushed.

Pete snapped his head to his daughter that was now climbing on the bed. Her hair also messily in a ponytail sideways and makeup was horribly put on her.

Pete- What happened?!

Molcha- Dada and Mark tried helping with my look! And look at what they did!

Molcha busted out crying and Pete scooped her in his arms marching towards the bathroom where loud laughter was coming from.

Pete slammed the door open and toward over his son and husband who had stopped laughing and stared up at him.

Pete- You think this is funny? Molcha what do you think we should do?

Molcha- I want a spa day!

Pete- That sounds like an amazing idea. You guys better be ready in the next 10 minutes for spa day.

Pete stormed out getting both him and Molcha ready. Mark and Vegas still sitting on the bathroom floor glanced at each other and sighed. Spa day.

The day that Molcha and Pete drag them from store to store and make them buy and carry their things.

They sighed and stood from the floor getting ready for torture.


The family strutted into the mall wearing matching black and white clothes.

Pete and Mocha dragged Vegas and Mark everywhere around the mall. It was hours before they decided to load the car and go eat at the food court.

Mocha-Papa! I have to potty!

Pete- Okay, remember what we talked about? You start school soon. I can see the bathroom from here, you go potty and be a big girl okay? Remember our safety word?

Mocha- Hedgehog!

Pete- Good job, go potty. Hurry up please. Make sure to wash your hands, I will check.

Mocha- Okay!

Mocha skipped to the girls bathroom and pushed the door open and disappeared into the bathroom.

Vegas- I don't want them going to school.

Pete- We talked about this. We need to let them free sometimes.

Vegas- I am okay with Mark, but Mocha? I don't like it.

Pete shook his head patting Vegas thigh.

Mark- When will we go to school? I want to go!

Pete- It will be so soon. Sooner than you think.

The boys kept eating away. It had been a little too long until Mocha came back.

Mocha- Get back you stupid hedgehog!

Pete jumped from his chair, the chair hitting the floor with a huge bang. He took off running towards the bathroom.

He seen a man towering over Mocha. His hand reached out towards her.

Pete grabbed Mocha putting her onto his hip before checking her and glaring at the man.

Pete- The fuck you do to my daughter!?

Man- I thought she was lost. I was going to help her.

Pete- No, thats a fucking lame excuse! Come near my daughter again and ill fucking kill you!

Mark and Vegas soon ran up next to Mocha and Pete. Vegas pulled them behind him and faced the man.

Vegas- I don't think we need your help. Thank you.

Pete- No fuck him! Thinking he is about the get my daughter! Your lucky my child is here or I would fuck you up!

Vegas held onto Pete who was now trying to yell at the mans face.

Vegas- Come on baby. Lets go.

Vegas pulled his family away and signaled his guards to finish the man near the bathroom.

Vegas- Calm down baby, the kids are here.

Pete put Mocha down and had to take a breather and sat down on a bench. Mark hugged Mocha.

Mark- What is wrong with Papa?

Vegas- He is just a little upset about the situation. Don't worry. Wanna go get some ice cream? Papa, needs to cool down.

Mocha- Yay!

The twins held hands and ran towards the ice cream shop. Vegas glanced back towards Pete and caught up with the twins.

He bought the twins their ice cream along with him and Pete a cone. The twins ran up to Pete and continued talked to each other about whatever came to mind.

Vegas sat beside his husband and handed him his cone.

Vegas- Are you okay?

Pete- Yeah, did I over react?

Vegas- No, god no. You seen Mocha and a weird man next to her. She also used the word. She must've felt uncomfortable. You did the right thing.

Pete- Thank you.

Pete laid his head on Vegas shoulder. They both sat on the bench watching their twins talk amongst each other about the many different things they find interesting.


It was already 10 when they got back home. Vegas carried the twins to their room while Pete set up the living room for a movie.

Vegas came back down from the room and took a seat next to Pete. The couple cuddled and watched the movie.

Vegas stopped and looked at Pete.

Pete- What is it?

Vegas didn't say anything except he crashed his lips onto Petes. Their bodies grinding against each other.

Mark- Dada! Can I sleep with you!

Vegas and Pete pulled away from each other and Pete started laughing. Vegas on the other hand annoyed but couldn't help but smile at his son.

Pete- Don't worry, Kinn promised us to watch them this weekend.

Vegas- I hope so. Well lets go to sleep.

Vegas and Pete got up from the living room couch and walked into the twins room picking them up and carrying them into the room.

The twins settled into the middle if the bed and Vegas and Pete took a side on each side of the bed.

And they all fell asleep. Cuddling near each other.

Its over now!!! But don't worry Next book will be coming soon. Please answer and read the next chapter to help with the next book!

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Hedgehog VegasPete Where stories live. Discover now