Build Situation

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⚠️This is my opinion and I am writing this not as a book writer, but as a fan of Build⚠️

considering the situation on Build I thought that i could come on here and we could all have a conversation about the situation with Build.

as much as we love Build we all need to realize that the court will do him justice like he said they would when he resigned.

i have all faith in Build and we all need to stay right beside him and help him as much as we can to help him.

but lets also talk about someone. Bible. we was the co-actor with Build during Kinnporche and was with him most of his time.

they grew close and had an intimate relationship. this relationship could have been just work or as lovers. but we see the love between them.

and we can see now how deeply this is affecting him by the pictures of him at the airport.

we need to pay close attention to Bible. from my research Build made him comfortable at places with large crowds and always made sure he was okay and could talk to people. you can even see the tiny details when Bible would grab Builds shoulder for comfort and he still does it when he isnt there and you can see the hurt when he does it. idk if he has anxiety or is socially awkward but what i do know it Build is not beside him no more.

so we need to also support Bible. For fans that see him in concerts or even walking around, send him love and tell him we are here for him too.

now this doesn't mean that we should focus on Bible because he was a co-actor. But we don't know the truth.

Bible didn't or did know about the abuse. during an argument between Poi and Build you can hear Build saying to keep Bible out of this.

Bible mustve heard it for this first time. Knowing that all this time he was protecting him and he wasnt must hurt him and he must feel broken.

now this is my opinion. you can disagree or agree with me. i just wanted a place where everyone to vent to and show our love for him and talk about how we are heart broken to hear this.

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