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Pete tossed and turned in bed trying to find the comfort of his boyfriend, but he couldn't find it. He opened his eyes sitting up looking around the room. It was still dark but no sight of Vegas.

Pete got out of bed heading downstairs and soon hearing talking from Vegas and another man.

Peeping his head through the door he seen Vegas and Kon one of his old flings. This pinged Pete's chest. He didn't want to jump to conclusions. Instead he hid behind the door and waited.

Vegas- So, what your saying is. Your in trouble with Kinn and need my help to calm him?

Kon- Yes, its not that hard.

Vegas- Get out of my house, Kon. I am not helping you.

Kon- You've always helped me tho, remember?

Vegas- What?

Kon got up from the couch making his way towards Vegas. He wrapped his body around Vegas pulling him in.

Kon- How I used to get all worked up, and you'd help me, in the next room.

Vegas- What are you talking about?

Vegas tried pushing Kon away put failed.

Kon- Whenever your stupid boyfriend was in the next room while you were pounding me, thats what I am talking about.

Pete's blood ran cold and thick. His heart seemed to stop beating in his chest. His body went numb. Before his eyes, Kon crashed his lips onto Vegas.

Pete couldn't help it. He grabbed the vase closest to him throwing it at Kons head making it break. Kon landed to the floor while Vegas stood shocked in front of him.

Pete got on top of Kon punching him over and over until he couldn't be recognized. Vegas finally started to try to tear Pete off of Vegas. Pete threw his hands off him standing up with rage boiling off of him.

Pete- Don't fucking touch me!

Vegas- It wasn't what it looked like. But you shouldn't have hit him that hard.

Pete- Oh, so I am at fault?! Go ahead! Fucking stay with him! Didn't seem to have a problem when you were fucking him while I was here right!?

Vegas- What are you talking about?

Pete- Oh don't act fucking dumb. I heard your little conversation. You fucking cheater!

Pete walked up to Vegas continuously hitting him on the chest with his wrists while tears poured down his face.

Vegas- Pete stop. Stop! Listen to me!

Pete- No, were done.

Pete ran quickly walked out of the house walking down the main street. Vegas quickly caught up and took his wrist making him spin around.

Vegas-Pete! Listen!

Pete didn't reply and shook his hand off before walking across the street.


Pete rolled off of the car onto the pavement. Vegas stood on the sidewalk hoping and praying it was a dream. That was until he seen the driver get out and grabbed his phone.

Vegas took off into the road avoiding the cars coming his way. He dropped to his knees and help Pete's bleeding body into his arms.


He held Pete's body closer squeezing him into his hug. He hoped it was a dream and Pete would hug him back. But it wasn't, Vegas looked at Pete through his teary eyes seeing his breathe slowing.


The ambulance arrived pushing the people watching the scene. They tore Vegas off of Pete calling the cops soon after when Vegas started throwing punches at the EMTs for pulling Pete away.

The cops got Vegas to calm down before sending him to the hospital. He made sure to follow considering his actions he might resort to violence again.

The hospital and cops demanded for Vegas phone who didn't care and tossed it to them rushing down to the OR. There he sat by the sign who's name was lit up with Petes.

The hospital thought it'd be safer to have someone who knows Vegas to calm him down.

Kinn and Apo arrived rushing out to the sobbing Vegas. Kinn took Vegas into his arms while Apo talked with the nurses and cops.

Kinn- Vegas, calm down. If you freak out like this Pete wouldn't want to see you like this. Calm down for him okay. He will come out soon. Tell me what happened.

Vegas-K-kon, came over. He tr-tried asking for help an-and he brought up when I had kidnapped Pete while being with him. B-but Pete overheard the wrong parts and ran off!

Vegas continued to sob into Kinns arms. Kinn patted his back while Apo came back taking a seat and began rubbing Vegas head.

Hours had passed and they still had Pete in the OR. Vegas was out of it. His body almost hung out the chair, his head down, he stared at nothing. He didn't blink. They were convinced he might be sleeping. But no, he was just in shock. He didn't know what to think.

The doctor came out taking off his mask. Vegas stood and Kinn and Apo took his side soon after.

Vegas- How is he?

Doctor- Surgery went well, but towards the end he went into shock. We got him back thankfully. But he slipped into a coma. Were not sure when he will wake. I am sorry.

Vegas couldn't comprehend what the doctor said. His body started swaying with anger. He lunged towards the doctor but was caught by Kinn and Apo who started dragging him away.

Vegas- Your a doctor! Your supposed to save him! He was my everything! Please save him! Please save my Pete!

Kinn and Apo sat him in a room with a bed that would soon have Pete laying there. Vegas still shaking with sadness and anger seen Pete roll in.

He got up from the chair and darted his way towards him. He grabbed Pete's hand and held it to his face before crying.

They placed Pete onto the bed and made their way out. Kinn and Apo decided it would be best to leave some room.

It was only Vegas and Pete. Vegas eyes were sore from crying and his head pounding. His hands covered in wounds from the hits he made to the people around Pete.

Vegas-Pete? Can you hear me? Please, please come back to me. I promise it wasn't that.

The only response he got was the breathing from Pete and the monitor beeping.

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