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Walking around Lorain, Ohio was weird to Kuroko Tetsuya, he moved away from Tokyo deciding that America was the place to go. Recent signs were pointing that something big was coming. He decided this was the best place to start out his new life to finding others like him to join him in a sort of crusade. But for now all he can find around this horrible place is people bullying others and being selfish people. Honestly, it's the same everywhere. He thought to himself. Not to mention how dumpy it looked, all the streets and houses were a wreck.

"Jees, it was here that my intuition lead me?" he said in a mumble.

Someone heard him and wanted to immediately start a fight with him for no reason saying that he'd better watch what he says. Which made no sense to him since he didn't say anything wrong. Walking back home was a pain to him everything around him was an eye sore. Thankfully he lived in a nicer spot his apartment looked a lot better than this area's neighborhood. He lived in a nice complex some of his neighbors were friends with him. The rest didn't really talk to others but that was okay to him he didn't mind it. Nobody knew about him and liked to keep it that way, being eighteen and a dropout he wasn't doing a bad job of living. Now the one thing left to think about, trying to save a world doomed to be taken over by power crazy nut cases. Unlocking his apartment door and closing the door behind him then tossing his keys on the coffee table and collapsing on the couch

"Seriously, how did people live like this?" he said to himself he could talk as loud as he wanted-kind of he'd be yelled at by neighbors.

He'd only been living there for 2 months and had been researching like crazy online and off going to libraries and some day's spending hours there. That was him now, a nerd he wasn't one to study when he went to school in fact he hated school needless knowledge constantly shoved down his throat was a pain. Just then there was a knock on his door, breaking him of his current thoughts sighing to himself he got up and opened the door. There was a man there in a suit then there was another one walking up behind him both looked nice and well groomed for this part of Ohio. One of them had dark hair with a sort of blue sheen actually, it was blue thinking to himself but being more observant this time. The blue haired guy was a dark tan and was wearing a black suit. The other was Blonde- a pretty boy is what most people would call him. This one was pale, each of them had this hard look on there faces. Both of their eye's seemed dark, if they had any shred of kindness it wasn't there today. All thought's aside Tetsuya said,

"Yes, how may I help you?" feeling brave he straightened his posture to help him seem less small, Tetsuya was shorter than them girl's and boy's teased him about how "cute" he was since he was shorter than most.

Both of them exchanged looks, and then looked back at him the one with blue hair obviously the one in charge said,

"Kuroko Tetsuya, we are from the government- we won't tell you what faction we're from let me cut to the chase. You have been snooping, getting too close. We were ordered to take you to our chief now you can come with us now or we drag you out."

Tetsuya had it, "Excuse me but I will go know where until I see some official papers saying so. Now if you will excuse me...I am closing my door. Please go away."

Shit he was in trouble he felt it with the way his powers were reacting, he needed to go. Now. Just before his door hit it's latch it was kicked open sending him a foot away from the door. He got up instinctively and ran to his bathroom window shutting his door behind him before he was spotted he climbed to the window and opened it. There were perks of living on the bottom floor. But now he needed to run, he ran as fast and as far as his feet could carry him.

He got as far as the end of the street when someone side lined him both falling someone- the blonde guy was on top of him until he heard "Ryota, keep him there!"

Ryota is this guy's name, noted. Then Ryota or at least he could only assume that was his name said, "Hurry up he's squirming, what are you doing Daiki?!"ah so that was the other guys name.

Practically doing anything he could to escape, he finally kicked him harder giving it all his strength in a special spot since he squirmed enough to get the room to kick.

Ryota cried out in pain "Agh! Mother-" he didn't finish someone else appeared.

Giving Ryota the kick to the face and kicking him off of me since Ryota was out cold. Jesus, that must have been a hard kick. He thought then the new comer held out his hand. He had dark red hair, he was dressed fairly casual a grey shirt and some basketball shorts with converse shoes- Tetsuya had to mentally laugh between all this chaos. Taking this new guys hand he was older than Tetsuya he seemed father like, maybe in his thirties he thought to himself.

Staying silent they took off in a ran, just then there was a car screech behind them. "Shit! It's them!" The new guy exclaimed.

Tetsuya was confused what was he close to? Nothing made sense 'til it hit him like a freight train. This has something to do with the way things were in this shitty country? The screeches got louder and closer as they were cutting corners the sound of the cars engine revved suggesting it was closer. They needed to go somewhere fast to get away when he was thrown into a car. He hit someone when he was thrown in, both of them curled in pain the guy with red hair jumped in after shutting the door and they were off. So many things emotions and thoughts were coursing through him he eventually passed out he couldn't take it anymore.

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