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I have been thinking about doing a Halloween special mini chapter BUT, decided against it... It's too late and I am fresh out of ideas on the subject. Plus for once I'd like to hurry and give these characters a break to be frank. I personally love action, which is why you probably won't be seeing many breaks.

Alone and cold, Tetsu wondered where he was now. A lot has happened, in the last few weeks. Non-stop danger sucks. Although couldn't deny the thirst for more recklessness... Something about it, just sounds so delicious... Shaking his head to break the grogginess, he looked around his new confined room. It was actually really nice, at least for a prison that is. The lay out was all black, black covers, black walls, black, well, everything. The room also had some chrome to it too. But everything in the room was really nice, it all looked... Expensive. Getting up from the bed, more like untangling himself from the covers. He practically ran to the door, jiggled the handle a bit and actually opened the door. Double taking for a minute not realizing what just happened the door ajar. Peeking through the door looking and listening for someone, he booked it out of the room he was just in. The room had two sides that you could go through, right or left. He chose left and hoped he wouldn't run into anyone. Practically in a frenzy worrying about himself... That's when he remembered. Taiga, was with him. Biting his lip he focused in on where Taiga was at. Turns out he could focus on really anyone and find them. Intuition was leading him the direction he just ran from, so turning around sighing and deciding to take a deep breath do be brave he walked back the way he'd just come from. It seemed like forever he walked, not knowing the time can do that to someone who's still slightly disoriented. Tetsu had long since walked passed his room. Going straight the entire time, that ended when there was a sudden turn to the right of himself. The hall walls didn't change much, eggshell white. The floors were the same also, black tiles. The fluorescent lights hurt his eyes the more he walked. Didn't seem to change even if he ran. Nothing about this situation checked out, Taiga and himself had been kidnapped, yet his door was unlocked? Continuing to allow his mind wander on his long walk to finding his friend, he snapped himself out quick. Concentrating is key to finding people. After another lifetime his journey came to an end. Yeah, he passed a bunch of doors, but no people? The door at the end of the corridor, this one had bad juju about it, honestly nervous about touching the door. He braved up and tried to open it. Seemingly to be locked, letting out a deep sigh. Had it been his imagination? No surely not, he heard voices inside. Muffled but still audible, the voices sounded familiar... Not placing it right away, practically attached to the door he suddenly found himself on the ground. Laughter broke out amongst the voices he just listened to. It was his four 'friends' from the festival. Each of them with a fat ugly smirk on each of their faces. The blue haired guy, Daiki, grabbed Tetsu's wrist lifting him up.

"Well, well, look who woke up. Sleeping beauty you've been in bed for almost two days." Daiki stated slightly amused Tetsu on the other hand did not feel amused. 

Just then Tetsu heard a familiar bark and growl. Nigo, he guessed his friendly little dog had been taken too. Chained up actually, Nigo walked over to a figure chained up also. He immediately recognized the person chained. Taiga, he was actually chained up to a wall. His left leg bound by a chain. He lay there motionless, Nigo laid right next to him. He looked away from the body, and his newly found 'friends' only followed his gaze. Then laughing at his companions this made Tetsu furious, not only was his dog chained up, his friend was severely hurt and treated like a cockroach. He ripped his arm out of Daiki's grasp, and ran to his friends. Dropping to the ground as fast as he could shaking Taiga. 

"Taiga, Taiga!" Shaking rapidly, practically screaming in the process.

"You need not worry about this guy anymore, Tetsuya." The bastard with green hair commented.

Looking at him for a second, and going back to calling out Taiga trying to wake him up. Unsuccessfully, his voice breaking with each frantic call. Until a slight movement from Taiga stopped him from breaking down. Tetsu took a minute to just sigh in relief. When his sigh was broken, by two sets of arms yoaked him up from where he sat pulling him away from the unconscious Taiga. Shouting as loud as he could to stop them but to no avail. It was useless, Nigo growled and barked whining just a bit in between barks. Daiki and Ryota firmly held onto his jerking around. Fighting ended up being useless too. The dark haired guy and the guy with green hair followed behind them. Still facing the door, the one with dark hair shut the door. Time moved slow as that door was closing. He saw his friend move a little and Nigo barking like crazy. When the door was shut completely it was as if time moved faster. Ryota and Daiki turned him around and let him go but still close behind making sure that he wouldn't go anywhere. After going back the way he ran in the beginning of all of this and going through some doors and more halls he found himself in an office. Tetsu felt completely  helpless what is he supposed to do to get out of this. Why did they want him so badly? More questions keep coming and no visible  answers. The person he faces now is the boy about his age. The one who's been following  and trying to kidnap Tetsu. The boy watches him with cold eyes and finally speaks.

"Hello Tetsuya Kuroko,  I have been looking  forward to finally speaking face to face. for once I don't need to chase you down. Please, sit." The pink haired boy, didn't sound nice at all, no emotions. When he asked him to sit, it sounded more like an order.

Tetsu sat as per request, frankly quite scared. What do you do when you are surrounded by agents? More questions  but not enough  time for answers.

"We have a lot to talk about indeed, It's good you're here. Did you find the room you stayed in to your liking?" 

"Yes- I mean no- I mean..." He stumbled.

"Hmm, well, you're gonna learn to like it. That is where you're staying for a very long time." The guy smirked at him his eyes looked dead and there was nothing. No emotion, nothing.

"What?" Was all he could muster from within and even then it sounded as if he hadn't spoke at all.

"You aren't leaving, as my agents have stated you know far too much, and I've now decided I'll be utilizing you. In fact I believe I might make you be an agent. Maybe... Hmm... What to do with you...? I definitely don't want you pushing papers that's for sure." His smirk grew bigger, Tetsu was speechless he was so done with all of this. 

Tetsu sat there blankly staring, he gave up. He couldn't take any of this anymore. Shit is hitting the fan too fast for him. He tuned everyone out, and when he assumed it was over they led him to the room he stayed in before. Still blankly staring, he didn't even know he was back in the room until he really snapped out of it. His dog and his friend did not matter, he didn't even matter. Nothing mattered, and he just took all of this in his new life, everything and accepted it for what it was.

Tetsu was in a field with Taiga, and desperately ran up to him. Taiga uninjured smiled at his sad face. Everything came tumbling out at once the plan to mess this world up. All of it.

"They plan on making the masses believe that the world is being invaded, and put the fear of god in their hearts. The world is opening up to things that has been in their faces for centuries but, as soon as the higher ups lose power of us all they're going to snatch us all back up spooking every closed human. And sending people with abilities in FEMA camps... And kill us all. Taiga, I'm so scared. They're really gonna do it. I don't know how to stop this. I can't just let this all happen and them just bow back down to their masters, we all deserve to be free. People think they're free already but, they're not! They're just not... The moment they experience true freedom it's going to be ripped out from under them and think they're free again... But it's back into slavery, but with a different set of rules to the game. We will be seperated once more and people won't know how to live in harmony because they're so brainwashed they can't even tie their shoes!"

Taiga just smiled at him, Tetsu was in tears.

"Don't do anything, there is no need to. This world is doomed anyways."

Tetsu scoffed in the midst of tears.

He woke up, crying in a dark room laying on top of the covers.

I know this one is short, but I am hella tired. I just wanted this chapter to end It's been sitting for awhile. I had it all filled out I just needed to add more details. 

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