Life Is Not So Great

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Waking up confused and exhausted, is no great way to wake up at least no normal way. Tetsuya woke up and immediately jumped out of the bed he was in when he tripped over someone. 

"Ow! Hey, who did that?" a half awoken girl angrily said while sitting up to turn on a lamp. 

When she turned the lamp on others awoke, a few of them woke up others refused to some of them said things like "Some of us are trying to sleep." or "Turn that light off damnit!" 

The ones who did wake up shook the people sleeping awake and looking at him after. "Sleeping beauty's up guys up and at'em." with a smirk one said but the girl obviously cranky from being stepped on glared at him. 

Tetsuya got up "S-sorry about that..." and went back to the bed he slept on, hugging his knees feeling a little embarrassed they all stared at him intensely. 

The girl looked about a year older than Tetsuya in fact everyone in the room seemed a little older then the one who called him sleeping beauty said "The name's Marcus, this here-" pointing at the cranky girl "Is Cara." there were two other people in the room all of which slept on the floor. 

After meeting everyone Tetsuya finally asked "Where are we? Who are you guys? Why are you all sleeping on the floor? Can I go back ho-" He never finished. 

Marcus answered "One question at a time buddy, We're at our base. You can trust us, we live here and no you can't go back home. We will answer all of your questions once Taiga comes back." Curious as to who that was he asked one last thing "Who's Taiga?" everyone smirked but never answered his question. 

Cara said "Just go to bed clumsy." in a irritated tone then smiled at him but turned the light off and went to bed. 

When he woke up again everyone was gone, He got up from the bed and walked around the room thinking back it wasn't that big in the first place it was like a shoe box. Nothing compared to Harry Potter's but it was pretty small. Stretching, and feeling a little weird to be in the room he opened up the door peeked out of the door way he heard nothing and saw nobody. 

They must have left "Yeah trust them my ass..." sighing right after saying it he walked out it was a fork path "Righty tighty, lefty lousy...." he pointed right after saying so. 

It was a short walk maybe a few minutes and a straight path too. The door at the end of the path seemed like a way out, intuition told him so. Tetsuya chuckled at the sign on the door "Front Door, PLEASE KEEP CLOSED." he opened the door and was just about to walk out when someone grabbed his shoulder 

"Not so fast" his heart started pumping. 

He turned around to see the red haired guy behind him and felt relieved he didn't seem like a bad guy after all. Eying the red haired guy and glancing at the door, tough choice. Tetsuya could leap out and make a run for it but this other guy was fast. Too fast for Tetsuya anyways. He could be caught before he truly made it out of this place. 

The red haired guy finally spoke up, "Tetsuya, you have been a curious little lost kitten haven't you?" he smirked at Tetsuya. 

Shocked that this guy knew his name "How do you know my name? Who are you and where the hell am I?" Tetsuya said anxiously. 

"My name? I'm Taiga Kagami, I'm the leader here I know your name because we have been keeping a watchful eye on you my little lost kitten." Taiga smiled at him and laughed while he mussed up Tetsuya's hair. 

Tetsuya glared at him and move his hand. "Please stop calling me a cat and don't touch my hair!" '

Just then Taiga broke out into a laugh "No way you're adorable too!-" turning around and beckoning Tetsuya to follow. 

Tetsuya did one more look at the door then followed obediently. Then thinking about it for a second longer he ran and did what he did best hid his presence being in basketball had it's perks. He got through the front door and left, nobody had followed assuming that was it anyways. He liked the freedom screw other people trying to boss him around. After he moved he planned to be his own man nobody could take it away after he had a taste of true freedom. Now he was starting to regret leaving though, he had nothing on him not even a watch to tell the time. It seemed he was a little farther out than he'd expected being too far from walking away from that factory-like place. So what seemed like forever of walking because the sun was just at it's peak of setting he decided to stop when Tetsuya saw lights ahead of his path since he decided to stay off the road he took this as a sign of someones house. He ran with what little energy left and finally got up to the place it wasn't a house that's for sure. 

More like mansion, "Holy cripes that's big." he thought to himself. Just then someone came up behind him "Who are you, this is private property turn around please." the voice sounded a little familiar though he couldn't think of where he'd heard it. 

Nervous he turned around and faced them though it was dark at this point and neither could see each other.  Listening closely not hearing anything out of the ordinary except that the person seemed bad and that was a no-no. So taking off in the opposite direction going to the factory for something. He didn't know how he'd out run this person he walked quite a lot.

 That's when he noticed the woods "How could I not have noticed them?" in a split second decision he ran straight for them. 

There was no way to prepare him for the fall he was about to encounter just after running into the woods. Straight drop, as soon as he took 20 steps in he dropped and rolled down the steep hill. Dirty, afraid and alone Tetsu wished more than anything to just go back to his peace why were these people watching him and bothering him now? Rolling into a prickery bush was probably better with a hiding place than anything else right now. That is where he laid as he heard a hellicopter up above him with a bright light. Someone was searching for him. That was bad, Tetsu being too tired to go on passed out for the night.

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