First Mission

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Hey guys! Been a bit I know... e.e" I've been busy trying to do one thing after another and that branched off and so forth. ANYWAYS, I'm back for now!! I'm not quitting on this story I've been working on it TOO long to just quit now! I hope you are all enjoying it, gimme a rate and or comment on how you feel about it!!! But yeah I def have a buncha things I want to incorporate in this series so be patient with me... It's taking some time since I'm using some actual events. That's sorta what I'm basing the story off of, yet not at the same time you feel me? X'D It's too outlandish to be COMPLETELY real... (9/4/15 AHEM and 9/6/15)


After closing his eyes, and a long deep sigh Tetsu looked at Taiga and smiled at him. "There you are... Sorry about earlier this morning..." his sentenced trailed off.

Taiga, smiled back and said "No worries, as long as you're sorry about it. Don't let it happen again." There was something commanding and a little scary in the tone he spoke. It put Tetsu off kilter. 

Tetsu had nothing to say to Taiga, something about his tone put him off. Maybe, if he wasn't empathic he'd think he was reading too deeply into it. But being analytical as he was... Well you could guess. He just stood staring at him stunned at his demeanor. Not knowing what to do he just shuffled around. Tetsu didn't like it, but Taiga made him feel uncomfortable if he messed up. He didn't really know why though, which made it even worse. Normally, Tetsu would just brush it off. Not this time however. Shifting around a bit, it was a bit awkward now. Until Taiga cut in the silence.

"We have a job coming up, we need you."

Stunned. "Why? I screwed up already. You really want a screw up to defend your back?"

"I trust you, plus I have a feeling you won't mess up this time. Seems... you've already made your choice."

Testu didn't know what to say, he had made his choice. To stay, and Taiga knew that. Which is most likely why he was looking at his new clothes and smirking. Sounds like he guessed, and the clothes were the topping on the cake.

"Alright... What's the plan?"


"That is crazy!" Tetsu exclaimed standing up, the others clearly used to these crazy things didn't look phased one bit. Nobody would be backing him up tonight. Cara was the only one speaking up.

"Shuttup and just go with it noobie. Don't fight it, these types of things happen all the time." 

How could he go with it? It was pure crazy. He was bait, and the trump card. Two very different roles, he couldn't be the only one with abilities here. Were these people, idiotic? This plan was fifty-fifty. Tetsu thought. 

"But all of this for information? I'm bait, and the trump? This doesn't make sense." 

Marcus stepped in, "It's the only way to reach our info broker... Bare with it please. She's curious about you. That is why you, are doing both." Tetsu couldn't keep the nagging thought about how he was the payment for their info this time out of his head.

Tetsu groaned, but sat down and went quiet. Accepting his fate. What else could he do? He decided to stay, he'd have know where to hide. This was his only escape, but also his downfall. He was going into this world wether he wanted to or not. All he could do now was be mentally and physically prepared for his mission. The room they were in was dark and only had low lighting. Somehow it felt darker to him as the minute grew. It also started to feel cramped, with only Taiga, Marcus, Cara, and himself. 


 It's about ten-o-clock at night, there's a fair going on. Tetsu wandered around, nervous but Taiga was nearby keeping a close watch on him had things got bad.  It wasn't so crowded where he couldn't walk, but enough to not be seen if any officials were here. The lights around the fair are a little on the bright side for Tetsu. So he couldn't help but squint a bit. He needed to go to the meeting place by eleven-thirty. From what he knew, the intel is a girl named Momoi Satsuki she's a paid neutral pink haired girl. That was all he was told, frankly that's a little more than he wanted to know. Not paying much attention to his surroundings, he heared a whimper. He stepped on something, looking down a little dog looked up at him. Something, about this dog seemed familiar. Was it the look in the dog's eyes? He'd thought. 

"I'm sorry little guy..." Bending down to pet the dog, already attached. 

Carrying the dog, some company sounded really nice. Tetsu felt so alone right now, a chill ran down his spine. He knew he was being watched, but from who these eyes felt different somehow. Petting the dog in hand, he sped his pace up a bit. It was just after ten-fifty, still some time before they meet. He wanted to turn and leave, but decided to push on regardless. Tetsu didn't feel like he'd be taken away this time. He had friends now, whom had his back. He'd like to think so atleast. Pushing a few people out of the way felt mean. Time was slowly getting to where it needed to be. No time to waste, Tetsu made it to the meeting place he needed to sit there and wait twenty minutes. Not a problem, but still felt those cold eyes on him.  The puppy Tetsu held, nuzzled into his armpit. Deciding it would be too uncomfortable for both of them he sat down dog in hand. Asleep. The name popped in his head instantly, Nigo. That's the name for this little malamute. He cracked a smile down at Nigo, his new little friend. When someone cleared their throat, catching his attention. Looking up, to see the girl he was waiting for. Getting up, the dog whined a bit in his arm but went on full alert sensing the air around them both. Nigo growled up at the girl.

"Hi, Tetsuya." Momoi said calmly 

Tetsu, looked her up and down. She looked like she was in her late twenties.

"Uh...Hi...What do you have for me?" Not knowing what else to say.

"Come now, we only just met. Shouldn't we get to know each other before I give away special information?"

"....I guess."

Her stare was just as cold as the pair of eyes watching him. He felt like ice, he didn't really like her. Now, he has to befriend this girl. Deeply sighing and closing his eyes, he opened his eyes facing her. What could  she have, and why is this girl playing with him like this. Life is getting more and more complicated for him.

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