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The alley smelled like death.

It was a unique scent, made by mixing ingredients such as decay, blood, pain, panic and desperation. Seth inhaled deeply while focusing on the small paranormal cowering in front of Benson.

Its body-structure resembled a human's, two arms, two legs, one torso, neck and head. But everything was smaller and a lot punier, making its silhouette look inelegant and stumpy. The head was too big for the rest of its body, its shape resembling a pumpkin, and big bat-like ears flapped next to it. The creature's face was dominated by a big mouth, two round nostrils and slitted eyes with no white which were flickering between the ground and the students. Seth noticed that its short fingers were topped with thick opaque claws, good for wrenching small openings apart. It probably liked bone marrow - or nuts. Its skin was thick and wrinkled in places, stretched smooth in others, and colored a mix of dark purple and a yellowish brown, reminding Seth of the way human skin bruises.

It wasn't the source of the death smell, though. Seth's gaze switched to the heavy set human arguing with Benson and Costa. The scent of fresh blood cloaked him, making Seth's mouth water. The knife flashing in his wildly gesturing hand was spraying wet, red droplets through the air. "It was lickin' the god-damned floor, Henrik! I can't have these vermin always creepin' around my business. Fuckin' do something about it already."

"There's nothing to do. They are attracted by the smell," Benson answered, looking down at the red-faced male standing in front of him. Both humans had to weigh around the same, and Seth wondered who'd win in a fight where only strength counted. While Benson was tall and fit, the other human was big and heavy, though his fat appeared strangely hard. His head was shaved clean, only revealing that the angry flush coloring his cheeks actually affected his whole head, and his eyes were almost hidden under a heavy brow.

"I have to throw away good meat because he was sniffin' at it! I'm loosin' profit because of these pests! Just kill 'em when they cross the boundary. Better yet, make a sweep!"

The purple creature sitting at their feet whimpered, a mistake in Seth's opinion. Attracting attention as the weakest link was never a good idea.

As if to prove him right, the death-smell-human kicked at the frail thing, making it scamper away, but not fast enough. Before Death-Smell could relieve some more aggression, Benson stepped forward. "A sweep is too much work just because of some gnomes, as you well know, Marcus."

"Just lock your door," Costa sneered, looking down at both Death-Smell and the cringing creature. "It's actually attached to your house to keep unwanted guests out."

Death-Smell's jowls wobbled angrily. "If you lot would just do your fuckin' job, I wouldn' have to worry about my door in a human settlement, fuck's sake!"

"We're indeed living in a human settlement, but it's close to the Uncharted Regions which we have no jurisdiction or control over. You were aware of the implications when you opened the shop."

The creature used the opportunity to slowly crawl away from the humans - towards Kaya. As soon as they had arrived on the scene Seth had noticed that the little creature locked onto Kaya like a moth to a flame. Maybe it liked her scent, same as Seth.

While Benson kept talking to Death-Smell, Costa was also watching the creature. It had sped up a little, hobbling towards them in a strange side-ways gait, so focused on Kaya that it only noticed Seth when he took a step forward, intercepting its path. The slitted eyes studied him but only when its nostrils flared did the creature realize he was no human.

"I'm paying the required fee, like everyone, so you should keep those things away!"

"Which we are doing. Has the Guild ever failed to come to your aid?"

"It's no use if it was already inside!"

"You should have realized that as a butcher ..."

The creature suddenly bolted around Seth and dashed the few steps to cower behind Kaya, who flinched in surprise. Whirling around Seth hissed loudly in warning.

The creature cringed and whimpered pitifully, causing Kaya to shoot him a censoring look.

"Did that kid just hiss?"

Turning, Seth found Death-Smell's wide eyes on him. The red color was creeping further up the human's forehead.

"Seth is a qualified Novice of the Guild, you have nothing to fear, Marcus," Benson said.

"Fear? Fear? Are you kiddin' me with this shit? Now, I'm calling a critter to get rid of another critter? You're nuts, the lot of you!"

"You should calm down ..."

"You calm down! I'm quitting this crazy town. Get someone else to deal with this insanity if you want to buy meat in the future!"

With that, the man turned around, his jowls wobbling, and slammed the backdoor to his house closed - cutting off the smell of fresh blood.

"That went well." Benson rubbed the scar around his missing ear. Costa just shrugged, still watching the little gnome.

It hadn't moved from behind Kaya, instead grasping the hem of her yellow jacket and trying to hide behind it. The girl didn't seem to mind, making soft noises instead.

"We still have to take him in for at least a night," Benson said, watching the byplay as well.

"Why? What did he do?" Kaya looked up, stopping her hushing to ask.

"Every time Marcus is butchering some fresh meat, they come from the forest, lured by the smell. There have to be some consequences or they'll never learn. And our method seems to be working, seeing as there's only one gnome and not three like in the past."

Apparently sensing where the conversation was leading, the gnome carefully plucked on Kaya's jacket, trying to regain her attention. Once she met his small eyes he started babbling something, repeating one phrase over and over.

Seth scoffed. The little thing shouldn't bother before he'd learned the human language, just as Seth had been forced to. He would never find a human who could understand him otherwise - it wasn't like them to learn the tongue of a lowly forest creature.

Benson stepped closer, shooting a look at Costa who readied the rifle. The gnome, either already familiar with this tactic or possessing enough wits to recognize the danger, stopped babbling and instead turned tail, racing down the alley on its short legs.

Neither Seth nor Benson bothered giving chase, as Costa was already aiming. In the next second a small dart decorated the middle of the gnome's lower back, like a miniature, green tail.

The gnome continued at the same speed for a few more seconds before slowing. His gait got unstable, tilting from side to side and when he missed a step and face planted into the cobblestones he didn't even raise his arms to break his fall.

Kaya made a pitying sound in her throat and hastened to his side, carefully turning him over.

"This time you carry his naked butt," Benson told Costa, who was shouldering his rifle. Shrugging, the slim man stepped forward, ignored Kaya and threw the limp little form across his shoulder. Both men started down the alley the gnome had desperately tried to flee from, walking back towards the Guild.

Seth stopped next to Kaya, trying to decipher the expression on her face. Giving up, he asked: "What's wrong?"

"It's just ... he sounded so desperate when he tried to tell me something."

Seth shrugged. The gnome had probably begged her for treats or something equally unimportant.

Kaya was still staring after them. "I have a bad feeling about this."

Seth and the Prometheus GuildWhere stories live. Discover now