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Before this day, Seth had actually been curious about dogs. Francesca had praised them as 'intelligent animals' while showing him pictures back during his language learning days. So Seth, considering himself one of the most intelligent animals, had raised his expectations.

Only for the reality to be bitterly disappointing.

The dog's biggest fault didn't even lie in his apparent stupidity. No, far worse - the one in front of Seth seemed to like humans.

It was trailing beside Benson, wagging it's behind and staring at the man stinking of something spicy - maybe this appalling concoction humans labeled 'cologne' - with devotion. It only stopped its simpering when catching Seth's scent and predictably recognizing him as a more dangerous predator.

But instead of hiding and saving its own skin when perceiving a threat, its shriveled instincts actually forced it into a protective stance. But not protective towards cubs or a pack - protective towards the stupid soft skin holding the leash clasped around its throat.

Ridiculously dumb.

If Seth knew how to feel pity, the dog would probably be the first living being to actually evoke this emotion in him. Instead Seth looked at it with clear disdain, while it bristled and growled. Salvia dripped from its pointed fangs, much superior to small, dull, human teeth, and its triangular ears flattened against its skull.

Seth pulled back his lips, showcasing his own teeth, more out of reflex than actual aggression.

Still, this was ridiculous. Maybe he should just flip the hairy thing over, exposing its vulnerable belly as its throat was already claimed by the human leash.

Before he could act on the impulse, Benson ripped at said leash, questioning: "What's wrong, Balthasar? Down, boy."

The dog didn't back down, quite the opposite, its growling turning into harsh barks. Spittle flew through the air and it threw itself so hard against Benson's grip its front paws actually left the ground.

Seth felt the warning hiss building in his throat, but before he had a chance to put the mutt in its place, Kaya stepped between them. For a few second the dog continued its enraged barking until his attention switched to the girl in the yellow coat standing before him. Slowly his paws lowered back onto the moist earth and he quieted down. His ears even slowly relaxed, twitching once as if to shake off the strain.

Kaya lowered to her knees while offering her hand for the animal to sniff, murmuring in a calm tone. Seth glanced at her back, an uncomfortable thought flickering through his mind.

Was he also subconsciously more relaxed in her presence? Did her powers work on him without him even realizing it?

It was true that he let her get away with a lot for a human, not the least of which was her continuous sticking to his side.

"He probably knows you're his competition," Mary Ann interrupted Seth's thoughts, while her sister continued strapping the girl's vest on, checking every buckle twice. Mary Ann was apparently referring to the imbecile dog, which was already allowing Kaya to pet its head, a long tongue lolling out of its maw.

"After all, contrary to you, he is actually trained to follow traces. And now you stole his task."

Seth didn't bother answering. He certainly didn't steal anything, it was the stupid humans who had urged him to come. If he wasn't dependent on their continued good will, he would never be wasting his energy here.

He wasn't the only one to ignore Mary Ann's chatter. Benson flicked his eyes across the gathering, keeping a tight grip on the leash even though his pet had calmed down considerably. "Everyone ready?"

Seth and the Prometheus GuildWhere stories live. Discover now