Tag, You're It

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Kaya's and Seth's first day at the Guild was rather unspectacular. Benson and Costa wanted to 'check something out' but deemed the mission too dangerous or simply not suitable for students, so Seth and Kaya spend their time idling away at the Guild.

During the first few hours they lounged in the grand foyer, on one of the couches arranged around the indoor fountain. No one was bothered by their presence, as the hall was mostly used to get from point A to B and not considered a place to linger. The only permanent person, apart from Kaya and Seth, was the same young man that had greeted them the day before, sitting behind his huge desk and sorting papers, ignoring the children who watched his every move in boredom.

Seth perked up when a human who didn't belong bustled through the door, a conclusion he drew simply from her lack of fitness and unusual clothes: a large hat and long dress in a light blue color, almost hidden beneath a thick white coat. Her blond tresses wagged with each of her determined strides before she stopped in front of the young man behind his desk.

"Did you find the runaway yet?"

The young man - Seth decided to name him Mud because of the freckles smattered across his face like dirty splatters - didn't seem fazed, neither by her forceful appearance nor her lack of greeting. "I'm sorry, Ma'am, but which case are you referring to?"

"My servant! The half-blood! I told you days ago that he'd run away and still no one contacted me! I need him around the house."

Mud calmly started sorting through the vast amount of papers on his desk. He didn't look up when the woman clacked her nails impatiently on the wooden surface of his desk.

Seth hung across the back of the couch, watching the spectacle with interest. It was the only new thing he'd witnessed all morning.

"With 'half-blood' you mean the troll-changeling?"

"Yes, yes, that's who I meant. Now, did you make any headway? I've been patient for days now."

"As per your request, I posted the job and marked it as urgent. As of yesterday, a team will be investigating it."

"Yesterday? I came to you days ago! Why is this taking so long?"

"As I'm sure you're aware, Ma'am, there was a murder in town which takes precedence."

"I heard the gossip, but don't you have enough agents sitting around? Does everyone need to swarm over one case?"

"As I informed you, a team has taken up your request."

"Yesterday!" she spat. "When can I expect some results?"

"I wouldn't dare guess, Ma'am, as your servant probably fled into the forest and scouting the Uncharted Region is never a safe endeavor. I will, however, promptly inform you should there be any progress."

The woman harrumphed and after glowering some more, swept out of the room as enraged as she had entered it. Mud went back to tidying his desk without watching her leave.

Seth turned to Kaya, who'd followed the exchange as well, though not as blatantly as him.

"A troll is strong, yes?"

She faced him, pushing a dark lock of hair out of her face. "A troll? Yes, very strong."

"Stronger than the woman?"


"Why serve her then?"

Kaya halted. Seth saw her struggle for a moment, before she continued in a softer voice. "Physical strength isn't always the same as power. Though the troll is stronger than that woman, she has more influence. And as a troll he was probably only tolerated in town because he was considered her servant."

Seth and the Prometheus GuildWhere stories live. Discover now