Evalution Fight

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"Zero points?" Mary Ann repeated, gaping at the scoreboard secured next to the open cafeteria doors.

Mouse and Himiko were staring at Seth's ranking as well.

"Holy Cricket," Himiko whispered, impressed. "That's gotta be a record or something."

"Don't feel too bad," Mouse said in her quiet voice to Seth, without directly looking at him. "The tests were difficult this time."

Mary Ann snorted, glancing back at Mouse. "What are you talking about, Holly? You ranked first in everything."

Mouse blushed and lowered her eyes. "Sorry."

Seth watched the byplay with mild confusion. It wasn't that the tests were difficult, he simply could neither read nor write the human language, even though Francesca had tried to teach him during the weekend. All he managed to remember was how to write his name, a wriggly line followed by an almost-circle and more straight lines. How was he supposed to score anything other than zero points? He had spent the last two school days napping while the other students furiously scribbled on their papers. It had been quite restful.

"Anyway, if you score high enough during the physical evaluation you might be able to make up for it," Himiko told him.

"Physical evaluation?"

"Yeah, you know, during P.E today. They'll test your speed, strength and endurance. And of course your fighting abilities."

"No one will be able to beat me with my staff," Mary Ann announced, smiling confidently. Seth remembered seeing her whirl a long, straight branch around and assumed that's what she was talking about.

He preferred his knives.

Himiko apparently shared his sentiment. "I'll go with the stiletto-blades. How about you, Holly?"

Mouse flinched. "I-I don't know yet."

"Whatever you pick, make sure the dangerous end is pointed away from you," Mary Ann told her. Mouse just nodded.

"Who will we fight?" Seth asked.

"They'll pair us up depending on overall performance," Mary Ann explained.

Seth smiled. Maybe he could finally have his rematch with Braeden.

The girls continued chattering but a scent had caught his attention. It took a while before Kaya appeared around the corner. Her scent was strong again, now that she was away from the forest.

Kaya noticed Seth staring and gave him a small nod in greeting, before studying the scoreboard they were standing in front of.

She had to have noticed Seth's apparently unusual ranking but didn't say anything.

Himiko spotted the other girl and turned around. "Hey. Do you know what weapon you'll use this afternoon?"

"A crossbow."

Mary Ann snorted, something she apparently liked to do, just like Francesca clicked her tongue. "They won't allow that for one-on-one fighting."

"Then a knife," Kaya said, still looking at the board.

Seth nodded approvingly.

"Do you want to eat with us?" Himiko offered.

Mary Ann shot Himiko a look.

"Thanks, but Merlin is already inside," Kaya told her with a smile, before walking through the open doors into the hall of horrors.

"Why did you invite her?"

"She's not so bad," Himiko said to Mary Ann, but didn't sound convinced.

Seth followed Kaya inside, ignoring the still talking girls, even when Mary Ann called his name. Kaya had grabbed a tray and was standing in line for the food. Seth walked over and mimicked her, even though he usually didn't bother with waiting in line.

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