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"Hot leaf water," Seth tried to fake enthusiasm. "I like it."

Black eyes wandered from his face to the herbal tea sitting on the desk between them. The icy expression on the Pack Leader's face didn't change.

Well, he'd tried. Acting like a human was already tiresome.

"Seth, correct?" The woman steepled her hands, her hard eyes boring into him.

Again with the staring. Maybe Francesca had done something strange to his hair today which made him look especially charming. "Correct."

"Do you know why I called you here today, Seth?"


"Oh. And why would that be?"


This seemed to throw the PackLeader, Lalu or whatever he name was, for the first time as she blinked slowly. "Pardon?"

"The missing girl."

"You're only partly correct. While I am expending all efforts to find your missing classmate, there is actually another reason why I wanted to talk to you personally."

When Seth didn't react she slowly stirred her tea. "You like this ... what did you so accurately call it, leaf water?"

Seth tried to hide his displeasure. Acting like a human was really not worth it. "Like."

"Hmm, then I will send some back with you, maybe your school director will like it as well."


The stirring stopped. "Will you make sure to give it to him personally?"

Seth didn't want to be bothered and shook his head. "Give it to Gregory."

"Ah, Gregory. Before my time, he used to be an active agent here. Now I believe he is responsible for security around your school?"

"And P.E."

"Yes, I almost forgot, he had to take over after an unpleasant incident. Pity that I wasn't even informed of what exactly happened, thankfully your classmates could shed some light on the matter."

Remembering the day Mr. Donovan had beaten him up with his stupid stick soured Seth's mood but he didn't let his displeasure show. Something about this situation was rubbing him the wrong way. He wasn't versed in the subtleties of human interaction but his instincts were better than most, and he could tell that at the moment the Pack Leader was hunting - and he had been forced into the role of prey.

"Tell me Seth, what happened that day?"


"A fight you say. And why were you fighting?"

"Qualification trials."

Pack Leader smiled, but it was the first time Seth felt as if a human was actually baring her teeth at him. "Right, I have to congratulate you for passing the first round. You're officially a novice of our fine Guild now, something a lot of people dream of. The task of protecting humans is a commendable one."

Seth stayed silent, waiting for her to pull the snare tighter.

"I'm curios, Seth, when did you decide you wanted to be an agent? As a paranormal, and considering your unpleasant past, this is surely an unexpected goal."

Seth stared at her steaming cup, trying to think like a human. What would a human say when put in his shoes? What would a human feel in his situation, why would he want to help other humans?

Before the silence stretched for too long, a memory flashed through his head, the words he once overheard The Director saying: He is already dependent on us, with the right conditioning I'm sure we could instill loyalty. We are his saviors after all, rescuing him from his imprisonment and taking him in when he was helpless and alone. I'd wager he already views Francesca as some sort of mother figure.

Seth and the Prometheus GuildWhere stories live. Discover now