A Hunt

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It took another two weeks until Seth finally got an opportunity to use his newly acquired knives.

"Form a line," Mr. Donovan ordered, his hands clasped behind his back while the students scrambled to follow his command.

"Now, every second person, step forward."

This time it took a bit longer for his order to be followed, as the humans looked around trying to gauge if it applied to them or not. Seth didn't bother, simply standing still. If he was incorrect, he was sure someone would point it out to him.

"First row, you're the blue team. Second row, you're on team red."

Seth looked at the humans in his row. Merlin and Mary Ann had stepped forward, leaving him with Kaya and Braeden.

"From now on, we're going to be doing a lot more team-exercises. When you become an agent you will always work with at least one partner or in a group. It's important to learn to function not as an individual but part of a collective. Now, today will be simply a game of capture the flag."

Mr. Donovan revealed his hands, each clasping a colorful piece of cloth, one red, one blue. "The rules are simple. No maiming, no unreasonably beating or other bodily harm. If you receive a 'killing blow' you're out of the game and required to return to the starting point. Your 'flag' can be hidden or carried by a person, it doesn't have to be at a fixed point. You're allowed to take hostages or prisoners. Once the enemy flag is captured the game is over."

Mr. Donovan paused shortly, waiting for the students to nod their understanding. Seth took a deep breath, concentrating on the two colorful pieces of cloth. Sadly, they had no telling scent, they just smelled like washed out cotton, dust and a bit of multiple humans' sweat, the exact same combination as their clothes. He wouldn't be able to sniff them out.

"And most important of all, stay inside the designated area. Don't go deeper into the forest, as it is not regulated by our agents beyond the fence."

Seth's head lifted so quickly his neck twinged. The forest? This strange game would take place in the forest? Excitement bloomed in his stomach, making the knife hidden in his boot almost tingle against his skin.

He wouldn't have to steal away to explore the forest after all - the humans would simply send him inside, together with a gaggle of others.

He turned to Kaya, while the teams were walking farther away from each other. "The forest is forbidden?"

"Not this section. It's part of the training grounds, protected by a high fence and regularly patrolled by agents. It's so we can get a feel for real-life scenarios while still in school and without any real risk."

The group started discussing different strategies, the humans arguing among each other, but Seth didn't pay them any mind. They could chase after a piece of cloth all they wanted - he would chase something different entirely.

After the ten minutes discussion time was over both teams assembled in front of Mr. Donovan again.

"Alright, follow me. As the red team won the coin toss, they'll get a head start of five minutes once we reach the forest."

He started walking away from the barren training field P.E usually took place at and Seth was glued to his boots like an eager puppy. To his surprise, Mr. Donovan didn't walk in the direction of the abandoned part of school bordering the forest where he first met Kaya but diagonal to it.

It took roughly another ten minutes of walking through different inner courtyards until they reached a brick wall interrupted by a small gate. Just behind it, Seth spotted a huge field and behind that field ... trees. A sea of green and brown trees, their branches rustling in the cold breeze, their leaves fluttering lazily through the air.

Seth and the Prometheus GuildWhere stories live. Discover now