4. The first guests arrive

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Suddenly, someone knocked on the door, then opened it slowly, sticking their head inside.

"Anybody home? We're coming in..."

It was Mu Qing. And he had come with Feng Xin! And they didn't look pissed off either; rather like two friends going out to party together.

"Guys? Everything alright?", Xie Lian asked cautiously, wide eyed.

Mu Qing smiled brightly. "Of course! We came to wish you a happy birthday!", he replied giving Xie Lian a warm hug, patting him all friendly on the back.

Xie Lian was speechless; Mu Qing with Feng Xin, smiling like that then giving him a hug? Feng Xin, also smiling warmly, gave Xie Lian a bone crushing hug. Xie Lian gave Hua Cheng a side-eyed look, but Hua Cheng didn't seem to think anything was off; he was even looking pleased with Xie Lian being hugged by his friends. Oh wait... this didn't look right either!

"San Lang? Why are you –"

"Come on in, don't be shy", Hua Cheng said to Feng Xin and Mu Qing, "Gege is cooking".

"Oh? Is that 'Love For All Seasons' stew?", Feng Xin asked, walking over to the pot and lifting the lid. A smell that would normally evacuate the whole village filled the shrine. "Can't wait to try it!", he said.

"You mean you want to eat something I'm cooking?", Xie Lian asked.

"Yeah! It's been a while", Feng Xin replied. He turned to Mu Qing, "You never tried Xie Lian food, have you Mu Qing? Today's your lucky day!". Hua Cheng smilingly nodded at him in agreement.

Xie Lian didn't know whether to laugh or cry! He lifted his hands,

"Guys. What's going on here?"

They looked at one another, "?"

"Gege, today's your birthday. Let's just eat, drink and be merry..."

Understanding dawned on Xie Lian: they were doing it for his birthday! Still, Hua Cheng being all friendly with Feng Xin and Mu Qing, Mu Qing all smiling, and Feng Xin willing to eat his food was too much. He was about to probe further when he heard someone calling outside.

"Your Highness! Your Highness..." 

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Xie Lian's Birthday Special ~ Eat, drink and be merryWhere stories live. Discover now