I Can't Have Children, I'm A Man

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Chapter Eleven
I Can't Have Children, I'm A Man!

I awoke when I heard my bedroom door open, I rubbed my eyes but couldn't make anything out in the darkness. I took in a deep breath and sat up, but as I did, I could hear someone else shuffling around in my room, I wasn't alone.

The light underneath the door was able to reveal a pair of feet - there was someone else in this room with me.

Knowing the layout of the room, I quietly got off of the bed, it was creaky and I couldn't risk hiding on it. I then walked away from the bed in an attempt to get behind the intruder.

"I'm sorry James, but this is for my daughter." Spoke a weak voice, it was defiantly a man's voice... Wait, could it have been _____'s father?

Why would he apologise? Why is he in my room? Just as I was about to speak, I heard him cry out as he hit my bed.

"Just die, James, you traitor!" He kept hitting my bed.

I slipped my shoes on and quickly opened the door, letting the light shed in the room.

"What?" I asked, standing in te doorway, I could now see that he held a dagger with both of his hands, he was repeatedly stabbing the bed. I was supposed to be there.

"Sir?" I called out. He seemed panicked as he stood up straight and towards me, hiding the dagger behind his back.

"Oh! James! There you are! Where were you?" He asked.

He must have thought I was elsewhere, I could use this to my advantage, "I was out organising the events planned for Sir Johnny's wedding." I lied.

"What wedding? My daughter is still missing! Oh..." He smiled slightly, "Have they finally found her?" He asked, hopeful.

It hurt me to lie, but Johnny had probably sent him to kill me, this must have been his intention to get rid of me.

"No, Sir... Sorry, have you not heard? Sir Johnny is marrying the daughter of a French noble to maintain peace and to gain land there." I explained.

"French? What? What is her name?" He began stuttering.

"Uh, name? I believe it to be Maria Mentiroso." I bit my bottom lip.

"That sounds Spanish..." He spoke.

"Yeah, strange world, don't you say?" I tried to laugh it off. I am a horrible liar.

"I'll need to have a talk to Johnny then..." He muttered.

"It's Sir Johnny!" I subconsciously corrected. Dammit.

"I don't give a damn." He now held the dagger by his side, his gaze was cold, I moved out of his way as he past me in the doorway.

"I suggest you forget this ever happened, boy." He warned me. I nodded slowly as I watched him disappear around the corner.

I took in a deep breath, then turned towards my room and lit a candle, letting more light flood my room. I pulled a bag out and quickly packed my clothes and belongings while changing into something more suitable, it wasn't safe for me to be here - I'll go to Francis's castle, I'm sure they're all there hiding from that vermin disease like Francis told me.

Before I leave though, I should probably help out _____'s father, it would be wise on my part since I did kind of put him in that situation. Oh fuck me.


"Say, do you think that there is land on the other side of the planet with people of a different ethnicity and different beliefs?" Francis asked.

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