A Trip South, A Trip Home

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Chapter Fifteen
A Trip South, A Trip Home

"Everything is set and your bags will e carried aboard, Sir Johnny!" A man happily smiled.

He was most definitely smiling to hide the fact that he was upset that I was leaving, he was certainly not happy that I was leaving. I glared at him as I stepped onto the deck of the ship. This time tomorrow, I will arrive to Francis's castle once again.

"Have a good one!" The man cheered as he waved goodbye to me. I frowned, getting a bright idea, "Say, why don't you come with me?" I asked.

His eyes widened in shock at my question, "Pardon, Sir?" He asked.

"Yes, it's a brilliant idea, come on aboard, you can travel to France with me!" I smirked.

He shook his head, taking a step back, "Why I can't, I've got children to get back to and work!" He exclaimed.

I waved my hand, "Forget about that, I can assure you this will be a splash."

He hesitantly walked aboard the ship and I signalled the captain to begin sailing.

I I swung my arm around the mans shoulders and smiled as we looked at the great big ocean, "Can you swim?" I asked him.

He tried to take a step back, understanding his situation, "N-No, Sir.." He lied hesitantly.

I laughed as I brought my arm back down to my side, "Ah, but what choice do you have? You have a family to get back to, and work! We can't however turn a ship of this size around so easily, so why don't you go and swim home?" I smiled, pushing him off of the edge of the ship.

I laughed as I heard him hit the water, see? I told him this would be a splash.

I stretched my arms and walked over beside the captain of the ship, there wasn't much to do anymore. At least I had time to plan out my day tomorrow. I took in a deep breath, it was pretty cold out.

I wonder what ____ is up to. I thought for a moment before I laughed again, she's probably in tears that I've not yet come to rescue her, she's probably starving herself because she doesn't want to live without me. She most definitely misses me, and so tomorrow, she will be quite happy to see me again.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out her hairpin, it's probably nothing, but then again, she could be there, so it's worth my time to check around when I visit Francis again.


"Francis!" Someone called out to. It took me a minute to realise they meant me. I looked up from a book and stood up, dragging my feet as I headed out of the library.

"What do you want?" I muttered towards Antonio.

His eyes widened slightly as he turned towards me, "What's wrong with you?" He asked.

That's right, I'm Francis, I should be more foolish and loving...

I covered my eyes with my hands and turned away, "God, let me tell you about this book I'm reading-" I began.

He waved his hands in front of me, "Oh, no, I'm sure it's great, but-"

"Oh it's great." I wiped a tear away.

"But we have more important issues to deal with!" Antonio spoke.

I frowned again, "Like what?" I asked.

"Um, the food." Antonio said, pointing towards the dining room.

"What about it?" I asked.

"You haven't eaten all day, you haven't even taken your beauty nap and that's one of the things you have on your 'manditory' to-do-list!" He explained. Eating? Sleeping? Me? Yeah, that's very unlikely, but I guess it's only human to do that kind of stuff.

I scratched my head then looked around the room, "Oh, I'm sorry... Say, have you been taking Samantha her food in the cellar?" I asked, remembering she had been there since she tried to kill them, I mean, us. I wanted to change the subject so that he would leave me alone.

"Huh? Well, yeah, but Francis, come and eat, the food is great! I made it!" He smiled proudly.

I squinted as I turned away, "I don't want to eat." I spoke.

He quickly pulled me back and dragged me to the dining room, quietly whispering in my ear as he opened the doors, "Look, I need you to come and eat, it's so ackward with everyone right now, ______ isn't making much eye contact with Arthur and Arthur is worried about her and Feliciano are Lovino's pizza but Feliciano is denying it. Francis, tensions are high in there." He explained.

I looked around the room at everyone and rolled my eyes as I sat my head down on the edge of the table, "Do I have to be here?" I asked, to which Antonio nodded.

As I sat back in my chair, I realised how strange it felt to be here. I waited for Antonio to sit down before I reached over and got some food, "So.." I began, looking around at everyone.

"What?" Arthur asked.

"Oh, nothing, just trying to start a conversation." I responded.

"Well, we have everything set up for Johnny's arrival, so there's no need to worry about that anymore." Arthur spoke.

"Yeah, I know." I spoke as I heard some talking under the table.

I tensed up as I lifted the table cloth and looked under the table, only to see Lovino passing a strange man a plate of food.

"Thanks for the food kid, your future looks bright." The man grumbled as he dug in.

As Lovino was about to sit back up, his eyes locked onto mine, causing him to jolt up, causing him to hit his head on the bottom of the table and fall out of the chair while crying out.

I sat back up and saw Antonio run over to help Lovino out, "Why is there a man under the table?" I casually asked. Really, this was nothing new.

"He's the Attic Man!" Lovino shouted as he rubbed his forehead, I shook my head as Lovino continued, "He's really cool for being that bastards dad too!" He muttered.

I dropped my fork on the plate as I looked over at Lovino, "What bastard?"

"Johnny!" The Attic Man shouted from behind me, causing me to push my chair back and knock him down for the time being.

"When did you get there?" I shouted.

"I've been here." He breathed heavily while taking a bite out of a slice of bread and rolling back under the table.

"We have to get rid of him." I said, wide-eyed. Never in my entire existence have I seen such a strange man... Well,


Whale this chapter was cut a little short, sorry, but hey! I got my braces tightened and holy hell man, it's like my mouth hates me.

Anyways, what are the odds that Attic Man is Johnny's dad? AmIRight?
But maybe that explains how Johnny's notebook got into Francis's library? I mean, it's just a small theory I've come up with, I'm not sure though. I guess we will have to wait for the next chapter... Hm.

Goodbye!! ^-^

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