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Chapter Two

I awoke in a small building.

For some strange reason, my hand felt unnaturally numb, I tried to move it but found my efforts hopeless as both my hands were tied to a foot of a table.

"What?" I asked quietly.

Upon hearing footsteps in the next room, I quickly returned to the position I was previously in and set my head down on the edge of the table, giving off the impression that I was still uncontious.

Who ever entered the room walked past me and towards the cabinets on the other side of the table, they picked something out and then approached the table, sitting besides me, believing me to be asleep.

However, I was not so weak as to be captured and not put up some sort of a fight, the instant the person sat down and thought themselves to be safe, I stood up quickly, pulling back the table in my direction as best as I could.

They were quite startled as the table collided with them, I turned to face them to see it was a strange man with greenish eyes and brown hair.

He pushed the table back to it's original position and stared at me for a moment, "You're awake!" He finally blurted out.

It took me a moment before I was able to realise what had happened.

By saying that, he practically called someone else to come in.

Someone else entered the room, it was that man from yesterday!

"You!" I glared at him, shaking my hands in an attempt to escape.

"Me?" He grinned.

"What am I doing here?" I asked him, his smile remained as he pulled a small knife from his satchel.

My. God! His satchel looks amazing! I hate him immensely, but that satchel!

He brung the knife closer to me, causing me to back away slightly.

"Are you scared?" He asked.

I frowned as he knelt down and cut the rope around my hands.

"Now you can freely move about," he stood back up and stared into my eyes, "but only in this room."

My eyes widened slightly, "And just what do you mean by that?"

"I mean that you can only stay in this room, you can't leave." He arrogantly explained.

"No, I refuse!" I stated boldly as I began walking towards the door.

As I walked past him, he grabbed my arm, stopping me in my tracks. He turned to look at me but his smile was gone.

"I don't think you understand, love." His words were cold, "If you leave this room, I'll personally tie you to a chair."

I took a few steps back, pushing his hand off of me, he continued, "Honestly, I believe I'm being too nice, however, you are to sit here without any complaints, if you make any noise that I find to be bothersome, I will drug you just like I did two days ago." He winked, beginning to turn around.

The other man quietly left while I called out, "Wait!"

"You will eat at six, leave me alone." He huffed.

"No, what do you mean two days?" I asked, anxiously awaiting his response to be on the lines of 'oh, it was a joke!'

"You were out for two days, two days ago, you left your party." He laughed lightly, "Poor you, you must be so disappointed."

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