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Chapter Eighteen

"Sir Johnny, ugh- what is all of that?" A noble asked, I looked up from my cleaning supplies to see that it was Lady ____'s mother.

I gasped as my grip on the red, wet cloth tightened. My clothes were stained red, of course, it wasn't my blood.

"I'm cleaning, mad'dam." I whispered. Johnny probably didn't want me to tell anyone about what he did... But then again, this was Johnny we are talking about.

My mouth twitched into a smile as I continued cleaning.

"No I get that you're cleaning, but what are you cleaning?" She asked.

I set the damp towel into the dirty bucket of water and took in a deep breath, "Sir Johnny murdered a man, he ordered me to clean it up, b-b-but you know, it's difficult to remove blood from a carpet." I stuttered.

She gasped and ran out of the room, calling for others to come over. Soon, the room was filled with her husband and four other guards.

"What's going on here?" Her husband asked, staring down at me.

I stood up, wide-eyed and pointed to a motionless body sitting on a chair, waiting to be thrown into the fire.

"Johnny murdered this man not long ago, he ordered me to clean it up while he prepared to leave the country." I spoke.

The man let go of his wife's hands and ran over to the corpse, only to fall to his knees and cover his mouth. Tears quickly flooded out of his eyes as he continuously muttered, "No, no, no! James..." He grabbed James's hand, but it was far too cold.

"Mad'dam, let's go.." A guard spoke, gently escorting Lady _____'s mother out of the room. Another guard attempted to escort her husband out, but it was no use, James must have been important...

I only ever saw him once or twice in the hall while I continued with my work. Never did I even bother to say hello to him. Never did that thought come up. I swallowed my pain and soon felt a hand on my shoulder, the third guard escorted me out as well, but not to get help, to be interrogated...

Johnny was now a wanted man, I should be happy, right?

I looked down at my bloody hands, sure I wasn't an important figure in his story, but that doesn't mean that I won't be affected, he took a life.

I turned back to see the fourth guard assist the second guard in taking the man out of the room and away from the corpse.

"This is all my fault." He continued to mutter.


It took a while, but I was finally cleaned up, as was the room. James was taken down and being prepared for his funeral, it would all be paid for by ___'s father.

I sat down at a wooden table and three different guards began questioning me, "Where was Johnny headed?" They asked.

I looked around the room nervously, "Um.. I'm not sure, he needed not to tell me, I was just going to clean." I spoke.

"The blood looks pretty dry and the body is beginning to smell odious, not to mention that Johnny is no where to be found. Explain this or you will be held accountable for assisting him and hung." A guard slammed his fist on the table, causing it to shake to the sides.

"I-I'm not sure!" I exclaimed, "Maybe he fled?" I shivered.

The guards began to whisper to one another, at that moment, _____'s father entered the room, a guard stood behind him, "There is word that he has fled the country, his ship is said to have set sail some time yesterday."

One of the guards turned towards me, "How long were you in there?" He asked.

I pressed my arm against my stomach so that it wouldn't grumble, "I can't remember, I had to clean the blood." I spoke.

His eyes widened, "You don't know? Why didn't you seek help?"

"I couldn't, I-I was afraid." I admitted, "Never have I seen a murder within these castle walls, seeing that... Seeing that, it's changed me."

"I see." Another guard responded, understanding that it was hard for me to even change the dirty water while I was cleaning.

"Soak the towel, smudge, dunk the towel again, smudge the bloody stain more, hoping that maybe the blood would lift that time, then repeat. Over and over." I spoke under my breath.

"Perhaps he needs a doctor?" The guard asked the other. The other guard only shook his head, "Don't worry, it'll be over when they get a good night's rest." He shrugged me off and the other nodded slowly, "Right.."

They closed the door behind themselves as they all left.

I set my head down on the table. Had I been dauntless, I could have told them about Johnny's crimes the instant I set my eyes on his mess. I sat patiently, yeah, maybe a nap would help, a nap that lasted forever. I closed my eyes and waited for the guards to enter the room again for more questions.


"Johnny has murdered James, and I know had James not been there to save me, Johnny was going to kill me." Shouted ______'s father. He was furious, "Johnny is said to have kicked a man off of his ship, literally, and this man claims that Johnny was headed towards France, so that is where we will search!"

The guards nodded, obeying his words, understanding his anger.

"If he's not dead by the time we see him, then kill him, stab on sight." He furrowed his brows, "Johnny will pay for his crimes..."


I must have fallen asleep while I was in the carriage, the cart was driving me towards Francis's castle. To be honest, I'm not quite sure why that idiot would choose to stay there, it's so isolated and ugly, unlike my castle.

The man driving was coughing violently, causing me to gag, was he sick or something? He definitely shouldn't be driving me somewhere if he was sick, I mean, he could contaminate me and te world would just parish without me!

I scooted against the back of the seat and waited quietly. It would only be a few more minutes until I arrived...


Short chapters, woo! >3<

Now to clear some things out because I can't have you confused here, I have been telling the story from lots of points of views and In the begining, Johnny's POV was a week behind Reader's POV, but I told them side by side so it may have seemed like they were happening at the same time.

But they wern't!

What is happening now is all at the same time though!

Reader's dad is now after Johnny, and so is the demon dude Justin, oh and you guys too!!

So everyone hates Johnny and wants him dead, that seems like an easy fix, but then why are there still a few chapters left..? 0^0 *dun dun dunnn*

Have a good day now, I'll update again tomorrow! (^_−)−☆ ☆〜(ゝ。∂)

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