chpt 1

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"Hey dipshit wake up we don't have all day!"

i just love my alarm

"oh shit" its 8:45 school starts a 9  and its a 6 minute walk "shit,shit,shit" "come on valarie we don't have all day" my dad's sturn voice yelled at me, it is way to early for this. dad say's he "can't leave" unless i leave first because he doesn't trust that i would actually wake up. it's not like i don't, well sometimes i don't.

but why does it matter if im like 30 min late marilyn monroe was always late and she turned out just fine, sure she is 6 feet underground right now but she become an international legend, i mean that would be enough for me.

I put on a striped long sleeve shirt that i tuck in my jeans roll up the sleeves too my elbows throw on my white worn out converse and even more worn out brown leather jacket. grab my bag and head out the door.

"don't forget-" "yeah i know! come back as soon as possible pay the nurse a 50 and check mom's blood sugar and give her a bath!" "hey! watch the attitude young lady!" i slammed the door and rolled my eyes, about a year ago my mom fell into a coma after she got a heart attack after eating too much sugar. at the time we didn't know she had diabetes so are eating habits stayed the same until the day we were having pizza night and she just kept complaining about this stabbing pain in her heart until she fainted, we didn't know what to do.

me and my dad have never  been the same.


"so, did he call?" barb asked nancy, as soon as we saw her enter the building. "keep your voice down" she said in panic "did he?" she kept pushing "i told u it's not like that" nancy replied "please nance, your not fooling anybody" she rolled her eyes  "okay, i mean, yes, he likes me, but not like that... we just... made out a couple times" "we just... made out a couple times" barb imitated her, i laughed. "nance seriously, your gonna be so cool now, it's ridiculous" nancy scoffed "not as cool as me tho right?" i joked "yes because no one can be more cool then you val" barb said sarcastically" i shoved her "shut up" i chuckled.

"im not trust me" nance said. i gave her a look "u better still hang out with us that's all i'm saying... if u become friends with Tommy H. or carol-" "oh gross!" nancy interupted "the only thing that's gross is you and steve" they gave me a look "sorry" i said quickly "okay, im telling you it was a one-time.... two- time thing" i cringed in disgust. nancy opened her locked and a not fell out saying

Meet me. bathroom


"you were saying?"


school went on like on like any other day

period 1...

period 2...

period 3,2,4...

u get the point

and now it was now my least favourite part of the day, home. i opened the door "hey sweetie how was school?" she nurse asked "it was okay, sorry i took so long" i said as i took  the $50 out of my pocket to give to the lady "no problem dear you know i love taking care of your mamma" she said as she collected her things.

"ok, have a nice day!" i said "you too!" she yelled as she closed the door, i went to go lock the door and once i did, i sighed, same old routine. went upstairs and changed into my sweat pants and tank top. washed my hands and grabbed my moms monitor, prick i put the needle in the tip of her finger 142mg. i smiled, that wasn't too bad. i went to go grab the water bucket from the shed to give mom a bath i heard a rustling sound and i went to look up only to get hit in the head by the shelf above me "ow" i whispered i turned around to look at the forest right beside my house to hear that same rustling.

probably just a bunny. i went inside and filled the water with lukewarm water and grabbed the wash cloth.

sat beside mom and started washing her gently. "hey mom" i always tell her about my day, the doctors said she could hear me, i hope there right or i just look stupid right now. "nothing really happened at school today, same old stuff. nancy and steve are still a thing, to be honest i thought he would've dumped her right about now and i would have to come to the rescue with a girls night, but hasn't happened yet. i'm happy for her, from what she tells me she deserves a guy like steve, even tho he is a douchebag. nance says he's actually really sweet but i don't really believe it till i see it... i miss u, a lot dad's still acting weird, still drinking." i tried to breath in as my throat started closing up " i don't know i think he partly blames me, thinks that maybe all those times we would eat out and stuff our faces, maybe i should've put some self control for the both of us, he doesn't actually say it but i see it, in his eyes. we've been distant, we haven't even been eating dinner together anymore he's been working a lot. but um... on the bright side i have been eating healthier" my eyes started to tear up "we need u mom"

i was interrupted as the phone started ringing "hold on, mom" i went to go pick up the phone "this the benson residence? who's speaking" no response "hello?" breathing, heavy breathing, like a child "hello?" this time i got a response "Valarie?" a distorted voice came from the line "will?" i questioned until the line started beeping. i rolled my eyes the boys are playing more pranks. i put the phone back.



hey guys this is my first chapter! i hope u liked it and there is much more to go with this girl's backstory, sorry if i got anything wrong about the checking blood sugar and diabetic things i don't have diabetes but i tried to do as much research as possible to be as accurate as possible for the 80s please correct me i did anything wrong :)

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