Chapter 9

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Valerie found herself back at the Byers house. Getting ready for battle.

They pulled out everything. From Gasoline to Bear traps. The screwed on all the lightbulbs and got there defensive gear ready. Jonathan hammering nails in a bat. Nancy loading of a revolver. And Valerie, stuck with the ax she found in her shed.

They all stood in a circle. kitchen knife on palm. They were reviewing the plan not knowing if they would have to run for their lives in 5 minutes or 5 seconds.

"ready?" Jonathan asked

"Ready." The girls said in sync

"on three. One, two--"

Jonathan looked at Nancy seeing as she was nervous

"you don't have to do this" He said "Jonathan, stop talking." Nancy replied back "I'm just saying--"

"three." Valerie said suddenly sick of the bickering.

They all sliced their hands open. Luring the shark.


Valerie stood by the window, with her hadn't wrapped. Currently Nancy was wrapping Jonathan's. She kept a distance not to ruin there moment. She was anxious. She didn't feel like being brought to another dimension to be eaten.

"so how do we know when it's here?" She asked turning around to see she indeed did ruin a moment

"my mom says the lights speak." Jonathan said "speak?" Nancy asked "English?" Valerie asked, inpatient.

"it's like an alarm--" before he could say anything else, there was loud banging on the door. Making the three jump.

Valerie went to open the door. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She did not wanna open that door

"Jonathan! are you there man? I-it's Steve!" She heard from outside the door

"are you kidding me?" Valerie said. of course Steve the 'hair harrington' would show up in the most inconvenience of times.

"listen, I just wanna talk" he continued

Valerie rolled her eyes. unlocking the door, opening it slightly.

"Steve." Valerie started "Valerie?what--" "you need to go." She said sternly

"look I-"

"no. you need to leave."

"I just, I was thinking about what you said earlier, about the saying something is better then saying nothing--"

"that's great Steve. But you need to go." Steve being here right now was dangerous. Not just for us but for him. She wasn't loosing anymore people tonight.

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