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Steve woke up that morning- barely, and started getting ready. because believe it or not, it was still a wednesday.

once he was ready ate breakfast, that whole thing that guys do in the morning. he went to go grab his keys. only to realize they weren't there.

he searched for a good ten minutes until he heard honking outside.

and there she was, Valerie benson sitting in the driver's seat of his car, in all her glory.

"cmon harrington, we don't have all day!" she shouted.

last night when she got woken up by nancy to go home, she told her that they had to walk home because steve fell asleep and was in a "deep slumber" while barb decided to leave early leaving them stranded.

Valerie being Valerie refused to walk home at night so she stole steve's car.

not actually stealing just for the night and she would return it the next day, ignoring nancy's protest.

steve just stood there in shock until an annoyed Valerie yelled

"LET'S GO!" "ok!ok!, jeez"

he scrambled over to the car and tried to open the locked passenger seat door.

"oh, my bad" she said, as soon as he got into the car she started driving like it was no big deal "oh, im sorry, can you explain to me why your driving my car right now" steve said infuriated that someone else besides him was driving his "baby".

"oh yeah, funny story" she laughed "um after you and nancy had your whole um... whatever you call it-" "sex" "ew, yeah whatever. you fell asleep and nancy was about to drag me to walk in the woods all the way home at night, so like any smart person i said no because i don't plan on dying anytime soon" that was kind of a lie "so i took your keys" she said calmly.

he looked at her with a baffled impression "valarie that's called stealing" he said firmly "n-no , it's called borrowing from a friend" she said, in denial.

"we are not friends"he said "ouch" she didn't actually feel offended at all.

"ok whatever, you don't like me or something and trust me i don't like you either, at all. so just be thankful i didn't actually steal your car"

"so if you don't like me then why did you come pick me up, you could of just left me at my house stranded" steve said with confusion. she sighed "Because harrington, you are my bestfriends boyfriend- somehow, and since nancy puts up with your bullshit, i am... somehow forced to deal with yours as well. and.." she trailed of.

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