chpt 7

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"turn back!" Valerie shouted as they forced her into Steve's car to outrun the cops "what? no way!" Tommy H. replied.

"well i didn't think i was asking you tommy" she said, she turned to steve. "let me go." she said threateningly "y'know if i didn't grab you back there, you would've been being held in a jail cell right now!" steve yelled back.

"yeah, well rather rather that then leave with you guys!" she yelled back " hey we saved your ass back there, i would be more grateful" Carol replied "saved my ass?! i don't know carol but all i remember is you running like a scared little bitch" steve made a sharp turn in the parking lot of a convenient store.

"get out." he said "happily" she said grabbing her bag and walking out.

she walked right to the side of the store too a pay phone.

after searching her bags for a quarter she didn't have one.

resting her face in her hands she heard foot steps.

"here" steve said handing her a quarter "thanks" she said, she didn't care that this quarter came from steve "the hair" harrington. she just needed to get in touch with nancy.

after dialing the number she heard ringing, until someone spoke on the other line.

"hawkins police department, how may i help you" a lady could be heard on the other line.

"hi there, um is nancy wheeler there by any chance?" she questioned as steve leaned on the side of the booth.

"who are you?" the lady asked.

"Valerie... benson" she said warily as she knew they were probably looking for her since she ran from cops after her friend assaulted once.

"Valerie? the chief is looking for you." she said catching hoppers attention.

" i don't care if satan it's self is searching for me... can you please, just get nancy on the line"

"one moment" she said as she put Valerie on hold.

Valerie sighed looking up.

steve gave her a questionable look "hold" Valerie mouthed to him.

"Hello?" could be heard on the other line.

"nancy? omg im so sorry, i didn't wanna leave you guys, steve he-" she started rambling but nancy cut her off.

"it's ok, val. i know" nancy replied trying to calm her down, Valerie closed her eyes in relief.

"a-are you guys ok?" Valerie asked.

"yeah, yeah where fine"

"ok, ok good-"

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