chapter 8

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Once Valerie entered inside, brushing off her interaction with Steve. She was met with a hug that almost knocked her out.

"Oh my god, I'm so glad you're okay" Nancy said quietly as she hugged the girl. Valerie hugged back "I wish I could've helped more" Valerie said, as Nancy shook her head telling her there was nothing she could do.

She looked to the side of her seeing a trashed house. Along with Christmas lights and painted letters. The place looked like shit.

As she was scanning the room she spotted the Byers.

"Hi Ms. Byers" She smiled politely, "Jonathan." She said turning to the boy.

"what happened?" Valerie said looking around the house

But before they could respond, they heard a car pull up in the front of the house.

All of them came rushing out, as if they were waiting for something.

"Mike. Oh my god, mike!" Nancy said as she ran to her brother. Squeezing him in a tight embrace, much like how she hugged Valerie.

Behind mike was Chief Jim Hopper. Along with kids Valerie recognized as Mike's friends. Lucas, and dustin. There was one girl she did not recognize.

"I was so worried about you." Nancy said to mike "Yeah... uh, me too" Mike said, surprised by the sudden affection.

Nancy looked at the girl with no hair.

"is that my dress?"


"okay, so in this example, we're the acrobat." Mike said. Expalining the concept of this other world where their loved ones were trapped.

"Will, Mia, Barbra, and the monster. They're this flea. And this is the upside down, Where will is hiding. Mr.Clarke said the only way to get there is through a rip of time and space." He continued "A gate" Dustin said "That we tracked to Hawkins lab" Lucas joined. "with our compass" Dustin continued for him.

All of us looked at each other, confused.

Dustin sighed "Okay, so the gate has a really strong electromagnetic field, and that can change the direction of a compasses needle."

"is the gate underground?" Hopper asked.

"Yes." The girl said quietly. Valerie was shocked to hear her speak at all.

Hopper looked at her "Near a large water tank?"

"Yes." She responded

"how do you know that?" Valerie asked, scared for the response

"he's seen it." Mike said, a bunch of gears turning in his head.

"is there any way that you could... That you could reach will? That you could talk to him in this--"

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