{ 1 } Crumbling Facades

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The Untold Tales Of Urbine

{ 1 } Friable

(adj.) easily broken into pieces or reduced to nothing

            "Scum! Trash! Freaks!" Wham. Another kick to the face. I spit out a clump of blood that was pooling inside of my mouth as I fade in and out of consciousness. I hear my fellow group members footsteps loudly sprinting on the rainy and now blood stained concrete, yelling at me to catch up. Wham. A jab to the back of my neck. Everything is blurry and I start to see black dots scattering through my vision. I'm not sure, but I think I just face planted on the sidewalk. I lay here, not being able to move a muscle or see anything but a black abyss stretched beyond an unknown horizon. My ears are filled with high pitched rings and I can feel each droplet creating contact with my gnarled and bruised skin. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.....

          .......Why am I so cold....? I suddenly open my eyes, frivolously trying to figure out where I am and how long I've been laying here. As my eyes adjust to the dark night sky covered in gray clouds, I feel an excruciating strike of pain shoot through my entire body. Ouch. "Oh, Amber! There you are, I was worried sick!" A mysterious voice laced with concern called out through the alleyway without an owner in sight. "Uhm- COUGH COUGH COUGH!" I start violently coughing and can't control my breathing. COUGH COUGH COUGH. I start hyperventilating and feel like I'm going to pass out again. I frantically try to suck in as much air as I can but it's no use, it's like I have a hole in my lungs or something. "Amber! It's okay! Slowly.... There you go....." My breathing starts to slow and I don't feel as lightheaded as before. I search for the owner of the voice once more but to no avail. "W-who are you? And what do you want? SHOW YOURSELF!" as I yell, I muffle a wince and clutch my throbbing head. A couple seconds later, a girl with blonde curly hair and blue eyes suddenly appears out of thin air. "Hi, I'm Elizabeth! Nice to meet ya!" Ok. who is this crazy lady and how did she just appear out of nowhere like that? ......I must have hit my head pretty hard huh? Apparently I spaced out because next thing I know, this so-called girl named Elizabeth was snapping her fingers directly in my face. "Excuse me Amber, but are you okay? You seem to keep zoning out..." "Just peachy" I sarcastically respond as I make my way getting up. I have to get out of here. Who knows what this girl wants and how does she even know my name? I fully stand to my considerable height of 6 '3, which is pretty impressive if I do say so myself....although, this Elizabeth girl only looks about three inches shorter than me. We stare at each other for a good second until I abruptly darted to the opposite opening of the alley. Ugh, my lungs feel like they're going to collapse. I make my way to turn the corner when I'm suddenly tugged upwards and seem to be.....FLOATING!?!? I flail my limbs in order to execute my plans of escape but it's pointless. Can Elizabeth turn herself invisible AND make things float? As if on cue, another figure steps from behind one of the dumpsters with their index finger pointed directly towards me. I'm guessing this one is the cause for my apparent lack of gravity. This new entity has mid length light brown hair and similar blue eyes as the other girl. Oh great, more of them, my day just keeps getting weirder and weirder. I start to flail around once more, just to make myself a burden. "Elizabeth, do you have the chloroform ready?" "Mhm...although I'd rather we not use it...but oh well~ if it can't be helped~" Elizabeth then smiles and disappears. Oh no. I start to thrash around like crazy. "Ugh-" ow ow ow ow ow- my body hurts. I feel a twinge in my nose and start to smell a sweet chemical smell...

           "GASP!" I wake up in an unknown room. Jeez, I seem to have a habit of doing that lately. I look around and there seems to be no one. The walls are a stained egg-shell white with nothing on them. The floor seems to be tiled and the room has a slight chill to it. I got up from the bed I was on when a cold metal band on my wrist tightened resulting in a loud clang. As if my day couldn't get any better, they chained me up. I struggle to release the cuff from my wrist when I hear muffled voices on the other side of the door. Yippee, even more weird random people! The door slides open and six people around my age all walk in, besides one of them, she looks like she's probably nine or so. As they all shuffle their way inside the room, I notice there is something off with each one of them, like they are hiding something. "Ehm..." the youthful looking one cleared her throat. "Hello Amber....we're not here to hurt you or anything like that.....more like help you....offer you a deal, you could say...." "Pft sure okay, what's this whole deal then, oh so gracious little kid?" I say in a sarcastic tone with a slight grin on my face. "Told you she would be an annoying one, do we seriously have to take her in?" the girl that made me float says bitterly. "As if I wanna join your dumb little gang of weirdos anyways." "Now, now, let's not get into an argument, that's not going to result in anything good" a blonde girl dressed all in pastels states matter of factly. "Rachel's always like this" a boy only slightly taller than me says rolling his eyes at the other girl's behavior. "It's like this every time" says a buff looking girl "she's going to join our group at some point so there's no point in arguing." I dolefully let out a scoff "oh yeah? What makes you say that, huh?" I retort. "Well, Rachel did the same thing when we reached out to her, same with Davis!" Elizabeth remarks. "Uh huh, is that so?" I say sneeringly. "Yep!" Elizabeth exclaims, her abnormal outfit ruffling with her movements. "Anyways" the youthful one interjects, "I suppose it's time to show her why she needs our help." No one says anything but instead just nods their head. "Ok then." The girl then pulls out a syringe filled with an orange and red liquid, much like a lava lamp. Um yeah no, I'd rather not have that going inside me. I attempt to flee but I'm once again reminded that I'm currently chained up. Oh great, this is how I die....how lame. I accept defeat and let the young girl inject me with the mysterious liquid. I can feel the cold liquid slowly travel across my entire body. Ugh, I wish I was somewhere else. Abruptly, my hand starts to steadily disappear. "Oh no no no no no. What did you just do to me!?" "Relax, you're the one doing this, not me." "Me...?" In a blink of an eye I'm in the corner of the room. Everyone turns their head and looks at me with a mixture of aw and curiosity. "Oh. My. Gosh! She can teleport!" exclaims the girl dressed all in pastel. "I can what now?" I asked shocked and confused. "Well you see Amber, all of us were born with a mutation in our genetic code causing us to have some abnormalities. Mine is Immortality, meaning I can't die of old age, oh right, I'm Kai by the way." "Rachel and I's is telekinesis, we make things float basically" utters the boy dressed in an army-like uniform. "As you saw before, I can turn myself invisible at will" announces Elizabeth. "My name is Kailey and I have the ability to shape shift!" says the one in pastels. "The name is Sydney and I basically practice wizardry." "Ok then, so what does this all have to do with me?" I question. "Well, you know how you have no memories of your childhood? Aren't you curious about your new power along with how to use it? That's where we could help you."


I flop on top of the bed in my new room. "Why did I agree to this again...?" I question myself in a whisper. My whole body still hurts from the confrontation in the alley....ugh, I just wanna sleep. I look around the pitch black room playing back all the events from the day in my head. My eyelids start to droop and my body is beginning to feel heavy.... 

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