[7] Please, Not Now

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(n.) the fear of dying and leaving words unsaid

My vision is hazy as I slowly rise from the floor. I can feel all the dried up blood caked on my pale skin. I'm pretty sure most of my fingers are broken, probably some other stuff too. If I recall correctly, I managed to pass out from the pain before I could confess my powers to Zach. I move my hand to my mouth and wipe off some of the stale blood. Wait. My hands and legs are....free..? I must've teleported in my sleep. At least this time I could somewhat escape, the whole reason I'm here in the first place is because I teleported at night out into the street. I lift myself up on one knee and slowly make my way up. Ouch. Why am I always getting beaten up? I start to limp around the cold, dark and dusty corridors trying to find an exit without being caught. It's so dark that I have to squint to see the silhouettes of the stuff around me. I manage to make out an old rusty door. My heart starts to hammer in my chest. This could be the door to my freedom or to my recapture. I shakily bring a hand to the corroded latch and slowly push it down, resulting in a high pitch squeak, I wince at the loud noise. I pause. There isn't any movement so I peer inside. It's dark like all the other rooms but this one has a flickering light above it. I look down and gasp in shock from the sight before me. Dead bodies are lined up against the walls, each one bloodied and staring lifelessly ahead. I feel like I'm about to throw up from the smell. I steadily make my way in forcing myself not to gag. I observe each body trying to use the on and off flickers of the orange light to see if I can recognize any of the corpses....although I hope I don't. I stroll along the rows slouched on the dirty concrete walls, so far so good. I finally make it towards the end and I can't even move. Why is....Sydney here....? "Ha..ha...this has to be some kind of joke right...?" My body is numb and I feel heavy tears raining down from my face. My throat is closing up as I bring my quivering hand up to her pale visage. My fingers are warm compared to her freezing lifeless body. "Sydney....it's me...remember? This isn't funny. Come on, the others are probably looking for us. We have to leave now...." My voice is trembling as I tug on her hand. She starts to fall forward as I catch her stiff body. I bring her down to the floor. My salty tears are trickling onto her ripped up and savagely contorted corpse. "Sydney, come on!" I sob trying to cope with the fact that she's now gone. I shake her unmoving body trying to get her to stir awake somehow. "Please....." I beg, unable to control my shaking body. After what seems like hours, I sniff and rise up to my full height, not once looking away from her. "I'm sorry Sydney...I'm sorry I wasn't able to save you this time...but I want to thank you...for being one of my first friends I've had in my entire life...I just wish we could've spent more time together..." One last tear falls and I turn away trying to focus on the task at hand. I try to steady my breathing and wipe away all the dried up tears. I leave the cold lifeless room and once again make my way down the halls , this time, I'm filled with absolute rage

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