[9] My Bloodied Baloney

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(n.) the smell of earth after rain

             All around me, swords clash together and blood is stained on everything. I raise my two daggers to make an X shape so my face could be protected from this next hit. I bite the inside of my cheek to mask the pain from the collision. "Is that all you got?" I ask Zach, a fake smirk making its way to my lips. "Awfully confident aren't you?" he asks, smirking as well. I could tell this one though, wasn't fake. He had this look in his eyes that made you wonder just how many people he's killed. But this...grin, makes you realize that he's probably lost count. I use all my force to push off his swords and take a couple steps back, thinking about how I should make this next move. We circle around, both of us never breaking eye contact. We both lunge at each other, our weapons producing a loud clang. This time, I let out a grimace from the strong impact. "Looks like someones still hurt" Zach says, drawing back his sword to prepare for the next attack. "Looks like someone needs to shut up" I say, following suit and retracting my sword. After a couple more seconds of pacing I rush at Zach. In the nic of time, he dips and weaves right as I was about to reach him and slashes down with the handle of his sword. Right as Zach flipped his sword and was ready to impale me, I sidestep to the left, just enough that I can see the blade go right past my face. Before Zach could do a follow up, I turn and land a kick right into his stomach, knocking the wind out of him. As I regain my breath and prepare for my next attack I hear Davis shout, "We have a problem!" I turn and shout back, "Let me guess, you caused it!?" Right when he was going to retort I feel a hand pushed up to the back of my neck. Zach clenches his fist harder, digging his nails into my throat and pushes me down to the ground. "You absolute fool" He spits, "don't you have any idea who you should really be fighting!?" He pushes down harder drawing blood. "I have no idea what you're even talking about!" I yell back, confused on what nonsense he's spouting. "I'm not the real bad guy here! Kai is!" He exclaims. "W-what? What're you trying to say?" I ask trying to make sense on what he's saying "She's the one who saved all of us" I explain. "See, that's where you have it wrong. She's only using you to get rid of me, once she's done with that, she'll dispose of all of you. She doesn't care about any of us, all that gooey stuff she told you about friends and family was all lies. I bet she has someone helping her, just like she tried doing to me." I take what he says with a grain of salt...he did kill people after all. I search the battle field for Kai and I'm shocked to see that she isn't even fighting?! She is slanted on one of the walls just watching all of this go down. "See?" Zach's face is now leaned down beside me. "I wonder who the other traitor is...?" Before I could say or do anything, Zach's limp body falls beside me with a loud 'plop'. I'm so confused.

        I look up and see Davis above me with a freshly coated bloodied sword. I look back down and see a growing puddle of blood leaking from Zach's chest. "Thanks for saving me...I was seriously gonna die just then" I say, still shaken up from my new found information. "No problem, your arm is bleeding by the way" he says looking around the chaotic warehouse. "Oh really? I hadn't noticed that half of my blood was flowing out of my arm, but thanks for letting me know" I respond sarcastically, beginning to rip a piece of my shirt off to wrap my wound. "Hey, can I ask you a question?" I ask. Maybe he knows something about what Zach was saying. "Sur- Actually that may have to wait." I look around and notice that the long haired guy from before is now standing in front of us. They still are being controlled even when Zach is dead!? You have to be kidding me. I glance behind us and realize we're backed up against a wall, not to mention I'm also in no condition to fight. "Uhm- Davis? We're kinda surrounded at the moment" I state. "Excellent, I can attack in any direction." 

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