[5] Weep For The Past

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(above artwork by ✨ Lotta ✨ on Pinterest)


(n.) Someone who hides pain behind a smile

                    ~ RACHEL'S POV ~

              Everyone's freaking out now. Amber has gone missing too. 'Who's going to be next and are they both dead' is what's going through all our minds. We suspect this is of the doing of Zach. He's gone way too far. Stealing my boyfriend and two of my friends. I'll be sure to take revenge and make him pay for what he's done, with his life. My fingers twitch with anticipation as I imagine all the various ways I could use to dispose of him. I clench my fists and harshly bite my lower lip. Blood starts to squeeze out, it tastes like metal. I make my way towards my room and slam my door making everything in my room slightly rattle. I need something to take out my frustration on....maybe Davis. No, I got in trouble for punching him last time.

          I walk over to my dresser and pull out some small training gloves. I tighten the velcro straps and position my body in front of my punching bag. How dare he. WHAM! The chains holding the bag up clink against each other. He took the only one who cared about me. WHAM. I just want him back. Wham. The last punch was much weaker than the first and I feel my arms go limp. I sense warm liquid run down my cheek. I bring a shaking finger up to my face and realize I'm crying. I ignore it and wipe off the salty tears, crying will get me nowhere. Once more, I start punching my equipment, trying to vent out all my anger and frustration. I can feel the blows through my gloves and can tell that my knuckles are bleeding, but who cares. 

           I take a towel from one of my cubbies and wipe off my face along with my hands. They sting but I like the feeling, It's something other than anger and sorrow. I change into a short silky blue dress and throw my hair up in a messy ponytail. I slip on some shoes and put an old bracelet on my wrist. I observe myself in the mirror, making eye contact with my reflection. I notice my eyes are slightly puffy and there are streaks on my face from the tears. As I continue to distinguish all my small flaws from crying, I suddenly remember that Ray used to say he loved how my eyes looked, and that he could stare at them for hours. How he would always compare it to a beautiful ocean that never ended. How I would blush and cover my face, telling him that it was cringey. How he would pull away my hands so he could continue staring into my eyes. How my blush would deepen and I would giggle at his loving behavior. How my heart would skip a beat whenever I saw him. This time, a single tear rolls down my face. I lower my head and look down at my feet as I watch the small clear droplet fall and splash on the floor. I take a deep shuddering breath. I miss him so much. I start to violently sob into my arm. I try to choke back the tears but they keep streaming down my face, not listening to me. I take my pillow and press it up to my face in an attempt to muffle my sobs....I can't have the others worrying about me. My hands clench onto the pillow and I dig my nails into its sides. All these emotions welling inside of me, it burns. 

             I harshly rub my eyes and throw my pillow back on my bed. I take a deep breath and do another once over in the mirror, this time not long enough to unlock forgotten memories. I look like a mess but I don't even care at this point, I have no energy to do anything besides getting a late night snack. I swing open my door and close it shut. I numbly walk through the halls, almost automatic. Once I get to the dining hall I slowly go into the kitchen thinking about what I'm going to get. I step into the kitchen and notice Kailey in the corner bundled up sobbing. Her shoulders are shaking and she doesn't seem to notice me yet. Why go into the kitchen to cry? Why not stay in your room? I sigh and start to rummage through the fridge. I hear Kailey gasp and the ruffling of her trying to get herself together. I swear to Rat King, this girl. She quickly stands up as I grab a nice red apple. I make my way to the sink and begin to wash my apple, peering at her through the corner of my eye. What's she playing at? She begins to swiftly walk away. I look her up and down and notice she has bruises all over her legs and wrists. What the heck? She turns the corner and I hear her distant running slowly disappear. Why does she have so many bruises? And some of them looked pretty new too....what's happening here? I take a large bite out of my crisp apple, some of the juices falling to the ground. I wipe my chin off with my damaged hand and start to slowly walk back to my room, trying to figure out what's going on.

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