[11] Silver Linings

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I'm Fine

(n.) The most common lie

         I try to lift myself up but my hand slips on a puddle of my blood. Come on, come on. I need to help. I scan the area, trying to find someone to assist us. Elizabeth is passed out on the floor from the first attack, Kailey is fighting Sydney, and.....wait is that Kai...? Why is she above Rachel and Ray holding a sword...? And why does it look like they're both dead? What is happening?

          I'm brought back to my own battle as I get pushed away from another attack. He can't keep fighting Sebastian and protect me at the same time. I grit my teeth, what can I do...? "Forget about me! I'm as good as gone! You're more valuable to the mission so just focus on yourself!" I shout trying to make him leave me. "You know, everyone's entitled to act stupid once in a while, but you really abuse the privilege" he shouts back. "I'm serious! Just go!" I plead. "Oh, do you ever shut up?" he asks, blocking another attack from the long-haired boy. I roll my eyes at his ignorance. He should just stop blocking strikes for me and protect himself. I watch closely as the two boys are almost flying across the room, never losing balance, never coming close to stumbling; the battle rages on with incredible finesse, first one and then the other gaining the advantage, it's clear that if I tried to join, I'd probably get seriously hurt....maybe even die.

       I gather enough strength to teleport away and end up next to Elizabeth's unconscious body. I look back over to the intense battle. Davis notices that I'm gone and though I was under the impression that the battle was intense then, the duel got even quicker and more hostile. It seems that now I'm out of the way, he isn't holding back.

        At the moment, I don't have time to worry about how the battle is going to turn out. I slide closer to Elizabeth and bring two fingers to her wrist. Good. There's still a pulse. "Elizabeth, if you can hear me, give me a sign." I notice her hand twitch and take that as my cue. I whisper a list of things to do once she regains consciousness, hopefully this works out. Once I'm finished with my request, I teleport back to the fight.

             "Move!" I teleport out of the way as a blue wisp zips past me. "He can use animal spirits to attack!" Davis explains as he goes for another feint attack. Sebastian skids over to a broken part of the wall and spears out more animal shaped mirages towards us. I try to teleport but the last few times drained me out of any more possible uses. I unsheathe my sword and slice the blue lion wisp in half, I release one of my hands off my swords hilt and squeeze my rib in pain. Ouch. Immediately after the first attack, a second wave approaches. I realize I don't have time to counter-attack and sidestep the wisp. This is my chance. I clench my fingers around my sword and sprint towards Sebastian. I let out a yell and swing my sword at the boy. I miss and lose my balance, Sebastian sends me to the floor with well-placed fist to the eye. Davis cuts in with a swipe of his sword as I try to scramble out of reach. Sebastian tries to dodge but Davis is too and slashes his sword into his abdomen. The blade slits through his rotten flesh like it isn't there. Sebastian drops to his knees and keels over the floor.

            A giant cloud of indigo blue clouds over the body, and a transparent figure of the boy rises. Animal like chimera surround him as he tips his head, almost to say 'thank you'. He walks off and eventually disappears. Weird. I go to turn and celebrate with Davis but a giant stab wound by his heart brought cognizance to my attention. Alarmed, I rush over. He's covered in the metallic smell of blood. I take a closer look as Davis starts to choke on his own blood. I quickly tear a piece of my shirt to staunch the scarlet fluids. Davis grabs my wrist and pushes it away. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me" he chokes out. Look who's being stupid now. "Don't tell me you're fine, you're bleeding, idiot!" I start to sob, he's in this predicament because of me. "Pft, loser" he spouts while coughing up clots of blood. "Are you seriously insulting me when you're on the brink of death?" I ask with a quivering smile. "But of course" he responds, eyes fluttering and struggling to stay open. I lead his body to the ground, applying pressure to his injury. "Don't close your eyes, please. Keep them open for me, yeah?" I request, not wanting to watch another one of my friends die in front of me. "Uh, no" he bluntly states. "Wait what!? But then I'll lose another person close to me!" I exclaim in disbelief. "Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?" he says while laughing and then violently coughing. "You're such an idiot" I say laughing too, rubbing the tears from my eyes. He brings a finger to his lips, "Please be quiet, I can't even hear myself losing the will to live" he coarsely avers. More tears escape my eyes, "I'm serious, if you die, I'm gonna steal everything in your room." Davis rolls his eyes "You can have it, though I doubt you'll be able to lift any of the weights" he utters, slowly closing his eyes. This little rat. "I guess now I can be with everyone else...haha...cough cough!" I sniffle and add more of my cloth to his wound, removing the already soaked one. "When will you ever take things more seriously?" I ask while watching the new white cloth quickly redden. This time I don't get another response. "Davis..?" I shake his enervated body, tears stinging my eyes. I bring my fingers to his wrist. 

He's gone. 

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