Crushed (Injury, Hurt/Comfort)

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Description: Grian is crushed by the ceiling of his base, comfort ensues after respawn.
Word Count: 1507
Characters: Grian, Scar, Mumbo, Jellie (Impulse and Pearl are mentioned)
CW: Depictions of being crushed, Blood


Grian thought nothing of it when there was a tiny rumbling sound coming from above him.

He was well aware that, although building natural-looking caves and mountains could be tricky, they tended to behave a lot like naturally spawning caves if it was done right. So, if this was a sign of anything, it must mean that he did a good job. It was possible it just meant that the cave was settling.

And sure, there were a few times where he briefly wondered if his incorporation of the layered midnight sky—the namesake of his build sitting permanently on the roof of his cave at all times—might've been a bit too much weight to be held up by the individually placed stones. All the shattered glass would be such a pain to clean up if it ever did happen. Still, it hadn't fallen down yet, and that was always good enough for him.

So he brushed off his worries. He didn't really need to overthink about something that was probably never going to happen. He's lived through enough to learn that overthinking never did anything good for anyone, especially not him. After all, it was sturdy enough to work, he made sure of it during the building process.

So the rumbling didn't bother him, he wouldn't let it.

So there Grian was, standing in his base and admiring the buildings he was so proud of on the left side of the alley. He was pretty glad he went with this concept, it was all coming together nicely, as long as he ignored the very-much-missing back of the mountain.

In his peripheral vision, however, he eventually noticed something that was definitely concerning.

He could clearly see there was a crack forming in the black stained glass. A worryingly large one. And, as the seconds passed, it only grew bigger, spreading out into little ice-like fractures.

He slowly began backing away, unable to tell if he should be running now or if he still had time to fix it.

Apparently he took too long to decide, as the glass immediately shattered from above him. There was no time for him to book it as he was showered in the hundreds of thousands of glass shards, raining down on him with a vengeance.

He was then struck with an equally concerning realization that some rather large rocks were falling with the glass. He found this out when he felt a much more heavy, blunt force hit his back—bleary confusion mixed with slight horror had filled him once he processed the fact that it was a boulder.

After what felt like an eternity, probably from how many layers of glass he had created (the more layers there were, the more accurate and beautiful the artificial sky had looked,) the world went quiet again. It had finally stopped.

Though, now he had even more pressing concerns, as he hadn't yet died and was currently busy being crushed underneath a mixture of glass and rocks and bleeding out. As well as the fact that this was definitely going to be a pain to fix—if he even decided to keep the sky idea now—and was quite embarrassing in the fact that he hadn't prepared for this possibility.

Grian-Centric Oneshots (YHS Trauma, Injury)Where stories live. Discover now