Chapter - 8

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It's been a while since the club had any kind of goal to work toward. Professor Itthipat's done his best to try and arrange more matches for them. But the other schools aren't interested in a small club like theirs. Most of their time is just spent hanging around the pool and goofing off.

"Mew, can we talk for a moment?" Professor Itthipat called him.

'He looks so serious.. This can't be good.' Mew thought. "Sure! What's going on?"

"I just got word from the school board." Itthipat said, running fingers through his hair. "They'd like proof that we're providing enriching activities for the members of the club. I'm assuming they want some sort of accolade to boost Liam University's reputation."

"I see.." Mew nodded his head in thought. "Should we schedule more matches with the neighbouring schools?"

Itthipat shook his head in dismay, "I've spoken with every school within a reasonable distance from us. But all of them are busy preparing for competitions and don't have any time to spare." He looked at Mew, "I figured, if they  aren't willing to bring the competition to us, we should go to them. I've entered us into an intercollegiate tournament that allows clubs to participate." He bit his lip looking at the pool, "It's a little last minute, but it will satisfy what the school board is asking for. We'll be competing in both individual races and the medley relay." He said looking at Mew again, "What do you think?"

Mew smiled, "That sounds great. I couldn't have found a better solution!" He looked at his members doing laps in the pool and sighed, "Everyone's been a little down since we haven't had any more opportunities to showoff our skills. This will be perfect to being back that competitive spirit!" He cheered.

Itthipat chuckled, "I knew you'd be excited. But what about the others?" He asked tilting his head, "Do you think you could rally them as well?"

"Leave it to me!" Mew smirked.

Itthipat nodded in satisfaction, "Well, I suppose we're in an agreement then."

"What's been agreed to?" Tae asked. He and the rest of the members curiously gather around.

"Oh, perfect. I was just about to call everyone over." Mew said.

"What's wrong now?" Bright looked at his friend in concern.

"Oh, nothing's wrong, I promise." Mew smiled. "We just have to take part in an intercollegiate tournament to satisfy the school board."

"A real tournament?!" Bright shrieked. "They let clubs in now?" He asked their adviser.

"Only a select few throughout the year." He said looking at his students, "This upcoming one is the only one that will be held prior to the deadline the school board gave us. We don't have to have good results. Just proof that we're doing something enriching."

"Well, we'll just have to bring back an award or two, right?" Tae asked and shrugged. "No big deal! I could do that with my eyes closed."

His confidence seems to be infectious, and soon, everyone is rather fired up.

"The starting pistol won't scare me this time. I've watched enough videos online to know when to expect it now." Tul said.

"I've been slacking a little lately, but I'll definitely get back on track." Earth said in determination. "I need to improve if I want to hold a candle against everyone else!"

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