Fourteen: Crying Wolf. Part Two.

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Later, at Caroline's house, Bonnie, Jeremy, and Elena lay Luka on the carpet...

Caroline walked in, holding candles.

"We only have an hour or two before my mom gets home... and these are all I could find." Caroline said, handing Jeremy the candles.

"Place them evenly around the room." Bonnie says, instructing him.

"How does this work?" Elena asked.

"Um, I'll put him in a trance and ask him questions. It's... it's like hypnosis." Bonnie tells her.

"You sure you're strong enough for this?" Jeremy asked.

"That's what the candles are for. I'll draw power from the flames. We need to know. We need to know what he knows." Bonnie says.

"I'll get the matches." Caroline says.

"No need. I got it." Bonnie tells her.

Bonnie used her magic to light all the candles.

"Never gonna get used to that." Jeremy says.

"Oh, come on. That's pretty hot, and you know it." Caroline says.

"I need a bowl of water." Bonnie says.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll, uh, go get it." Jeremy says.

Bonnie waited for him to leave, and she stared at Caroline.

"What was that? It's hot?" Bonnie asked.

"I think he's crushing on you." Elena smiled.

"So?" Bonnie asked.

"So? What, you'd rather be with the traitor warlock over here?" Asked Caroline.

"I'm not into Luka. It just... you know, he understood me, and he was new and different." Bonnie tells them.

"And you've known Jeremy since forever... and you only see him one way, as Ellie and my brother." Elena says.

Bonnie nodded.

"You're a witch, and I'm a vampire. It's not like we're in any position to be..." Caroline says.

"To be picky?" Asked Bonnie.

"No. To judge." Caroline tells her.

Bonnie went to sit at Luka's head, and she grabbed the bowl from Jeremy.

"Looks like he's waking up." Elena tells them.

Bonnie dipped her fingertips in water and placed her fingertips on his head.

Later, Damon and Alaric sat at the boarding house...

"That was a bust." Damon says.

"Yeah. How's the throat?"

"Sore." Damon tells him.

"That Elijah's one scary dude, but with nice hair."

Damon signed

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Damon signed.

"Hey, you want another one?"

Damon handed Alaric his glass.

"He's gonna be hard to kill." Damon mumbled.

"Yeah. I'd think twice before I'd trust that dagger... and some ashes to do the job. You're gonna need more info."

"I'm out of sources." Damon says.

"What's up with you and this news click?"

"She's got spunk, huh?" Damon asked him.

"Just don't kill her, please."


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