Overdo It

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Sebastian Camden is poised at the edge of his seat, knuckles white as he clings to the arm rests, his lips parted and eyes boring into me. Even if his look of intense desire was enough to stop my orgasm it's too late; I buck against Ollie, who holds me tightly to him as he releases inside me. My own body releases at the same time and with his hand on my head I have no choice but to watch Bastian's face as I do so.

I moan, fingers tangling in the sheets, and I swear he nods in encouragement with me, his own chest heaving.

As the waves subside, Ollie gives me motion of my head again and I drop my face down to break contact with Bastian. My face burns, and not completely out of embarrassment.

Slowly, Ollie pulls himself out and I feel the weight of my fluffy towel around me. Arlo gathers me in his arms.

"Satisfied?" Ollie says to Bastian, a smug smile tugging the corner of his mouth.

Whether Bastian can't think of a witty response or he's too stunned, he doesn't reply.

I wrap my arms around Arlo as he carries me from the room, Ollie in tow.

Back in my own room, Arlo sets me down on my bed and I pull him down with me. Wordlessly, Ollie slides in on my other side and the three of us lay in the dark, the only sounds coming from our still-labored breathing and the waves outside.

Ollie traces a finger down my side and finally speaks. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. Are you?"

"Of course. Baby Brother?"

Arlo finds a piece of my hair and gives it a small tug. "I am."




We fall into a silence. I am okay. And maybe that's the problem. Shouldn't I feel more violated? Shouldn't we all?

The house is quiet in the morning when the three of us pull ourselves out of bed and head downstairs. We were too tired to worry about Cherry or Felix finding out we spent the night in the same bed; I don't think the boys would've left me even if I asked.

Cherry's looking a little worse for wear and has a silk robe draped around her as she lounges on the couch sipping a cup of coffee. Her hair is deflated and cheeks are puffy. She tries to brighten for us when we enter the room.

"Good morning. You just missed Bastian."

We try to look disappointed.

"Did you four have a nice night?"

I can't look her in the eye.

"Yeah," Ollie speaks. "Quality bonding."

She nods sleepily. "Lovely."

"Felix around?" Arlo asks; usually by now he's making a racket in the kitchen.

Cherry fumbles. "He had a late night. Sleeping in."

I can't imagine the go-getter Felix sleeping in, wasting a moment of his day. Arlo gives a half-shrug and asks Cherry if she wants anything for breakfast, to which she declines. We leave her for the kitchen, where Arlo goes about making eggs and toast.

Ollie and I perch at the island, and when it's apparent neither of them are going to comment I say, "Isn't that weird? Felix sleeping in?"

The boys look at each other, and Ollie says, low to me, "Daddy likes to think of himself as California Sober."

I blink, not following.

"You know," he says, like it's obvious. "That staying 'sober' doesn't include drinking and smoking weed. Like those aren't substances you can abuse, too."

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