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After washing my face, cleaning myself up, and sealing the tests back up in the CVS bag, Bastian and I go back downstairs to lounge in the living room. There's no way I'm telling him the results of my tests before the twins—the last thing I need is something else for him to hang over me.

To my surprise, he doesn't even push to find out; instead, he forces water at me and lets me pick the shows we watch (all HGTV). I make sure we stay at least 10 feet apart and check my phone frequently, but nothing comes in from the twins and I only get a sympathetic text from Lila about Noah.

Obviously, I don't envy Cece. Noah and I weren't meant to be—we just didn't meet each other's needs in the end; but something about him starting a life, a family, with someone when for a time I thought that someone would be me was enough to send me into a full-blown anxiety attack.

I wish I'd have thought to track the boys' locations, but I've never worried about their whereabouts before today.

Cherry comes home around three, bronzed and in a cheerful mood. She heads straight upstairs, as if on a mission, and returns nearly an hour later with a tired-looking Felix in tow.

He musters a smile at me, but avoids my gaze. Cherry comments on the twins' absence, and I can only stare dumbly back at her.

"They went out surfing for a bit," Bastian says. "Told them I'd keep Wren company."

"Oh, how thoughtful," Cherry smiles, coming forward to plant a kiss on the top of his head. "We're going to the Hills tonight and might not be back until morning."

My stomach drops, even more than it has been all day, but I manage a smile. After they depart, my nerves become more intense, but Bastian knows enough to stay on his side of the couch.

The sun just makes its descent behind the ocean when Ollie and Arlo finally return. I leap from the couch immediately and into Ollie's arms.

"Hey," he greets, hugging me back and planting a kiss on my forehead.

I turn to Arlo next, who opens his arms for me. "I missed you," he mumbles into my hair.

I squeeze him extra tight in response.

When I pull away, I hold both their hands. "I've got news."

Their eyes immediately dart to Bastian, who has the good sense to focus on the TV.

But I give their arms a tug to get their attention back, and when their gazes meet mine once more I say, "I'm not pregnant."

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed by the results, but I know it's for the best right now. I'm not ready for a child—and God help me if it were twins. Not only that, but it would also inevitably do something to our dynamic; obviously, one of the twins would be the biological father and the other wouldn't. Then there's the fun little fact that my family thinks Arlo and I are together and the Camdens think I'm with Ollie. The mess that we'd have to sort out is indescribable.

No, it's better not to let a baby in on this. At least not now.

But the twins are understandably confused.

"Of course you're not pregnant," Ollie says at once. "I'd know."

I drop his arm. "You would not know before me."

He tilts his head. "You'd look different."

"She'd feel different," Bastian pipes up from the couch.

"Watch it, Bassie," Ollie snaps.

"Are you feeling alright, Wren?" Arlo says, pressing his lips to my forehead. "You're feeling warm."

I sigh into his gesture and nod. "Yes. Just got some crazy news today."

The Twins & Me: Summer VacationWhere stories live. Discover now