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Like a jump-scare, I push myself backwards, further in the shadows, try to make myself as small as possible against the wall. My breath hitches and my face burns.

I can't do anything but sit in the dark, listening to his groans and her moans, the rustle of his bedsheets, the occasional slap of hand against flesh.

I just want them to hurry and be done with it—but Bastian just goes and goes, dragging it out even as Remi begs for his come.

I tell myself he's not trying to put on a show for me, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't seem like it.

So I breathe a sigh when finally, finally, their labored breaths come to a stop. I don't dare move as the room goes quiet except for their panting.

"Go clean yourself up," Bastian says quietly.

There's some shuffling, light footsteps pad across the room, and the sound of the shower being turned on in the bathroom.

It takes me a split second too long to realize what that means, because suddenly the closet is filled with light. Bastian stands in the doorway, completely naked. My eyes squint in the harsh brightness, and as they adjust his form takes shape.

The defined torso isn't new; sinewy muscles that ripple under tight skin, the thin scar across his ribs. His cock, however, is a different matter. We're basically on the same level, his dick and I, and once my eyes catch it it's nearly impossible to look away. I was right about the piercings—little black barbells stacked up his length, ready to rub against any hole he penetrates—

"Now who's the pervert?" he asks huskily. His dick twitches and I force myself to look at his face.

He steps into the closet further, a few feet away, gazing down at me. His eyes roam my face, relishing in the probable anguish all over it; then they move downward, to my chest. I forgot I only have a bikini top on, and my cleavage is in full view.

All at once I feel so vulnerable, on my knees before him, but my heart's frozen in my chest and my limbs feel like lead.

He casually plucks a shirt off a hanger near my head, and his scent wafts up all around us. Sweat, alcohol, sex.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" he asks.

I keep my voice even. "No."

"Then why were you hiding out in my room waiting for me?"

My jaw clenches. "I wasn't waiting for you—Cherry made me bring you some soap."

He nods, tosses the shirt over his shoulder, and leans against the doorframe. "Where is it, then?"

"Your bathroom."

"Yet you're in here."

My fingers clench. "I wasn't waiting for you." How could I ever tell him I was smelling his clothes like some kind of stalker? Why was I even doing it?

But Bastian grins, sensing my stress. "I'd let you watch me if you'd just asked. Though, Remi's not all that fun these days. Always wanting me to come inside her even though she can't remember to take her birth control for shit. I think she wants to have my baby—an excuse to tie herself to me forever."

"Don't flatter yourself," I spit, shocked by the sudden confession. Though on some level he might be right.

"Little Wren, on the other hand," he taunts, squatting, "She must be a good girl—what with all the praise my brothers give her and all the come she wants."

My eyes instinctively pull to his cock, which nearly brushes against the floor. If he wasn't completely naked I'd reach out and push him over, but as it stands he is and he's blocking the exit. "I don't understand why you're so against being with her," I blurt out. "Your families are tight, you've known each other so long, she's got a decent head on her shoulders... and for some reason she's into you."

The Twins & Me: Summer VacationWhere stories live. Discover now