I'll get lost... Lost in your eyes

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"Thank you for taking care of me!" Min Seo bowed to the nurse when she woke up and got her belongings ready to go.

"It's alright! Just be carefully okay?" The old nurse chuckled softly and continued with her work.

Min Seo sucked in a breath before walking out the doors. Those fan girls were really vicious. She rolled her eyes but shortly after they widened with realisation.

Oh no! How was she going to explain to her mum??? She looked at her legs and sighed. Her mind racing to think of an excuse.

Meanwhile Mino dashed out of class the moment the bell rang leaving his group mates confused.
"I'm going somewhere tonight! Don't wait up for me! See you guys later!"
"YAH MINO-AH! Let's go together!!!" Seung Hoon shouted after him and prepared to run after him when Seung Yoon grabbed his collar and pulled him back.
"Let's just go back to the dorm and rest. We might need to go back to the studio and work on your parts!!"
"PLEASEEEE" Jin Woo pleaded as well and did cute expressions but to no avail as the leader wanted to get the album done up for his boss.

The other members sighed and followed obediently behind Seung Yoon.
"Uhhhh. Good afternoon Mrs. Is the girl still inside resting?" Mino knocked on the door three times and opened the nurses office door when there was no response. He looked around the nurse and saw the curtain drawn.

"Ah! No actually! She just left not too long ago! Maybe you can catch up with her!" She replied and looked back down at her paperwork.

"Thank you!" Mino replied and ran out trying to search for Min Seo.

"Light brown hair..... Pony tail.... Big pretty eyes.... Short..... AH!" He muttered as he walked around finding Min Seo.

"HEY! WAIT UP FOR ME!" Mino grabbed Min Seo's shoulders which caused her to scream in shock.
"AHHHHHH. WHO IS THIS. OMG. LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" She squeezed her eyes and started flinging her eyes everywhere and started hitting Mino on the arm. He managed to grab her arms together and say, "HEYYY!! it's just me. Calm down."

The moment she heard his voice she gasped internally. It was the same voice. The voice that whispered to her at the nurse's office. The voice.... Belonged to.... Mino.
Her heart started to pound rapidly and her eyes snapped opened and she looked straight into Mino's brown eyes.

He was holding her hand and they were getting lost in each other's eyes for what seemed like forever.

Min Seo couldn't think. She wanted to look away from him but something kept her from taking her eyes of him.

Should I? Should I say something..?? What.... What should - Oh. But he looks like her wants to say something... Should I... She opened her mouth but closed it back quickly.

She looked at his face in detail. From his hair to his eyebrows. His eyebrows to his eyelashes. From his eyelashes to his eyes. From his eyes to his nose. From his nose down to his lips. She bit her lips nervously suddenly aware that he might be doing the same thing.

He was also looking at her face and hair. Her long and soft brown hair with little fillers at the side. A sudden urge made him want to tuck those strands behind her ears and just hold her cheek. But he resisted. He observed her eyes, nose and when he saw her bite her lips he didn't know how to react but his body was sending signals wanting her to stop doing it.

Damn she's sexy when she does that he thought.

He wasn't even aware that he was still holding her hands when their moment was interrupted by JB.


They immediately broke apart and looked around nervously.

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