The Summer will continue in fashion

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"Hey Nishikata?" A tallish boy with glasses began

"What is it Takao? You usually never ask only the two of us to hang out over the summer"

"Well I!...." Takao began as his entire face became red

"(what is he about to say? Maybe something along the lines of "I got a promo code for your game" or something like that. )" Nishikata thought

"I..I..I like a girl!" He finished, shaking from what he just said, the bench in which they sat on shaked with equal intensity

"What!? You do! Really Takao? Nishikata was shocked to his core from the revelation

"I am surprised a little on how you didn't know actually..." Takao began laughing at Nishikata, Nishikata had never seen his friend laugh as much as he is now.

"You are so dense Nishikata!" He was losing it, he then fell off the bench into the wall behind him and after that until a packet of plants.

"Hey I can't be that dense!" Nishikata shot back, but it was clear that he had lost. (Wow I can't believe Takao likes someone! I never expected do that)

"So on to what I need to say" Takao got up from the ground

"WHAT THEIR'S MORE!?!?" if Nishikata was shocked before, now he was on the brink of a coma

"So you know how you are dating Takagi-san?"

"We are NOT dating, how many times do I have to tell you!"

"Whatever, can you two go on a date and confess your love to each other? I would like to see and practice what you do" Takao dropped the bomb

"WAIT WHAT! NO WAY AM I DOING THAT! Me and Takagi-san are NOT a normal couple-I-I mean we AREN'T a couple but we don't behave like one either!" Nishikata was having a heart attack to Takao's amusement

"You do behave like a couple! And if you are just friends, what's the harm in going on a fake date?" Takao had a point, and he was willing to exploit to get what he wanted

"Well true, but NO WAY!" Nishikata was holding on to his guns for life

"Please bro? to help a homie and a friend?" That made Nishikata pause, "(He does have a point, a annoying one at that)" He progressed

"I'll think about that" After a long pause, Nishikata responded

"Thank you so much bro, wanna go get food?" Takao offered

"Nah I have to get some because uhh-I need to help my mom clean" Nishikata responded as he urgently left the bench, walking rapidly home

"Ah what a weirdo, but a good friend" Takao rubbed his hands in thought.

At Nishikata's home

Nishikata opened the door, closing it as sudden as he opened it. Setting on his bed, he looked at his phone

(Should I? Me and Takagi are just friends, but it feels so weird, my heart's beating really fast for some odd reason. What is mine and Takagi's relationship? Does she like me more than a friend? I guess she teases me a lot, so that's a clue. But she also has never admitted to it before right?)

His head flew though moment of when Takagi could have confessed but there was no definitive answer. This was tough, how can he solve it?

(I guess we are only friends at most, right? Yeah we are only friends! Nothing more! Nothing ever more...right?)

He grabbed his phone as he dialed in someone's number, suddenly it picked up


Takagi's POV

When my mother told me the phase "Good things, take time" I was 7, yet... I always believed it. My mother was almost always right so I almost at any time believed what she said. There was some moments when what she said wasn't true like "Green Peppers will make you smarter the more you eat them" yet due to that, I could tolerate green peppers, a feat that a lot of my friends can't accomplish.

That's when I met a certain somebody with the name "Nishikata". He confirmed a lot of what my mother said. I liked him from the moment when we met, when he was rambling on about how this "Takagi" person made him late for class. At the end, we cleared it up and I teased him for not noticing that this "Takagi" person, was me! And there we became friends, well for me anyways. He had this false idea that he could tease and embarrass me, that one day, he could turn the tide against me. But I was always one step ahead of him.

Yet something about him, kind of made me always give him a chance. I was in love with him, really in love with him, yet he never picked it up. I constantly gave him hints of my affection towards him yet he somehow always misses it. Sometimes in the most ridiculous ways possible, like yesterday when we were playing a game and he offered me to kiss his shoe. Yes it sounded odd and ridiculous yet I said yes. I loved him so much and any chance to show that affection, I took. But he then said no, and backed off from what he said. I was really sad that I could't share more intimacy with him

But it reminded me of what my Mom said.

"Good things take time"

That quote kept on going though my mind. I wanted to tell him how I really felt about him. I really wanted to. Yet I decided against it. I believe that one of these days, Nishikata would figure it out, and hopefully return my feelings. So I continued teasing him, dropping hints constantly until he got the message. So that was when I was overjoyed that he called me, I usually called him 90 percent of the time.

I picked up the phone

"Hello?" Nishikata's voice came over the phone (I loved his voice, especially over the phone)

"Hi" I responded, full of emotion, barely containing it.

"Wanna go on a date?"

And that made me so happy. I felt like the happiest girl on the planet. I was on top of the world!

"Wait wait I mean in like a practice friend way, you see Takao wanted to-"

He went on to explain that the date was a practice date for his friend, to give his friend practice and an idea on how to ask a girl out. Yes it wasn't an actual day yet, my happiness stayed, I didn't care if it was a practice date or not, anytime to hang out with him made me overjoyed.

"Sorry I kinda rambled on there, so can you go on a date with me?"

"One question, how is this going to help him ask her out on a date?" I questioned

"We have to confess to each other at the end..uhh..." Nishikata nervously replied

Ahh my heart could't take it anymore!

"Yes, I would love to go on a date with you Nishikata!"

There was a short pause before I heard a cough on the other side

"Ok thank you t-Takagi" He hanged up shortly after that, I guess he was embarrassed, I mean who could talk? I was embarrassed as well.

I grabbed my trusty pillow and hung it on top of face as I peddled on my bed. I was simply too happy to think of something else to do.

Sometime's you don't have to think of the best thing to do.

Love can't wait for that.

After Such Words!(Teasing Master Takagi-san)Where stories live. Discover now