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"Alright everybody! Let's give this culture festival our best!" Mina raised thought out the classroom

"Yes Mam!" The crowd applauded before getting to work, Houjou and Hamaguichi got out paint buckets as people started to paint, Kimura and Takao with a few others started to research a menu

Nishikita as manager/producer of the whole operation was swarmed by people trying to be his second

"Can I be your second in command?" Sanea teased, grabbing his shoulder

"What? Who said there was going to be a second in command? Who said I was in command!?" Nishikita stuttered

"Well since you suggested the whole idea, doesn't that make you the MIP?" Sanea continued

"No thats...not how that works" Nishikita blushed in uncomfortableness, he quickly dismissed the eager blonde girl before another person touched his shoulder

"So what's next....Producer~?" Takagi teased, with a devious look on her face

"(p-Producer!? That h-has a n-nice ring to it)" Nishikita blushed in thought

"Why are you red Nishikita? First Sanea-san and then me? Are you hiding something?" Takagi continued to tease

"No of course not! Let m-me get the calendar!" Nishikita panicked before running off

Takagi giggled to herself before watching the black haired boy return  with a fresh calendar

"So look, here's the schedule that I planned. The culture festival is in a week and a half away so I plan on finishing decorating the cafe today and tomorow, that leaves 8 days but with the weekend we have really 6 days, We then finish the menu and start filling up the cafe with things such as chairs and tables. Then the last 5 days would be dedicated to giving roles to who cooks and to make sure everything else runs smoothly" Nishikita ended, looking quite proud of himself

"Wow Nishikita, I am impressed, did you really plan all of that?" Takagi questioned

Nishikita put his hand on his shoulder, "Takao helped", He mumbled. Shooting a look at Takao and Kimura fighting over what would go on the menu

"No I am telling you! Having a more formal menu would be better! Italian food is would be the better choice!" Takao argued

"Nobody here knows how to cook Italian! What we need is good and simple food! Japanese street food. Chicken Karage! Takoyaki! Japanese fries! That is what we need to make a good cafe! The essences of  simple food will enlightenment the crowds!" Kimura answered back

Then let's have the class decide what kind of food we are cooking!" Takao answered loudly

"Ok fine! Hey everybody! Help us pick what kind of style of food we are doing!" Kimura yelled

The class soon assembled around the two boys, deciding and picking a side between the two fractions

"Join my side, and I'll give a promo code!" Takao encouraged, winning the votes of a few students

Houjou and Hamaguichi agreed to go with Takao's idea but as soon as Houjou joined Takao's side, Hamaguichi switched right away to Kimura's side

"Hamaguichi! What are you doing!? I though we were picking Takao's idea?" Houjou panicked

"Sorry but... I gotta help a homie!" Hamaguichi answered before siding with Kimura, the class counted how many people were on each side

15 on Takao's side and 15 on Kimura's side? "We are deadlocked! Nishikita and Takagi! Help us and pick something!" The students yelled to the pair

After Such Words!(Teasing Master Takagi-san)Where stories live. Discover now