The clock stops

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"Ok so we have 5 cooks! We need one more reserved cook and we need to practice our dishes!" Houjou explained, going around trying to get as much done as possible

Nishikita sat in the recruitment office, he was sleep deprived due to the harsh schedule that he imposed onto himself.

"(I guess I could get some sleep, it's not like anybody's going to come in)" He shut his eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep...

Suddenly he heard a giggle next to his ear, jumping up in confusion, the culprit was Sanea! He blinked again and again to wake up. As he was done so, Sanea asked him

"Can I sign up?"

Nishikita looked at her before replying "Yes you can"

Sanea looked at him and smiled

"Can you quiz me now?" She perked

"o-Oh yeah I will!"

Sumire looked at the small group of boys in the distance. The group included Nakai, Kimura, Hamaguichi and Takao. They sat impatiently for Nishikita to finish his shift so they could go and hang out

Takagi looked at Sumire before asking

"Want to go talk to them?" She questioned

Sumire looked at her before nodding

The two girls approached the small group of boys, only to eavesdrop on a conversation they were sharing

"So you don't like anyone anymore Takao?" Hamaguichi questioned

"Well I still kind of like Sanea.... But I don't think she shares the same feelings for me." Takao looked at the window

"What about Sumire-san? I heard you two got along well in elementary?" Hamaguichi continued

"Ahh I don't like her that much, she's pretty annoying honestly" Takao rubbed his shoulders as Kimura snickered at his answer

Takagi looked at her friend who was shaking, concerned she asked if she was okay

Sumire looked at her before nodding and turning around, Takagi, feeling her friends pain, followed her.

"Are you okay Sumire?" Takagi with concern asked again

Sumire looked at her before replying

"Yeah I am okay, it just hurt a lot more than I thought. Me and him used to hang out super often in elementary"

Takagi smiled and comforted her friend

"I am sure that Takao just haven't probably hung out with you for a bit. You're not annoying at all" Takagi comforted

Sumire grinned and hugged her brown-haired friend

"Thank you Takagi for being my friend"

Takagi happily returned the hug

On the walk home

"Nishikita, I heard you recruited another cook?" Takagi asked the boy

"Yeah I recruited Sanea, she wanted to join, she aced her quiz really well. Hopefully Houjou and get everybody on the same page tomorrow" Nishikita replied, kicking a rock down the alley

"Hey Nishikita, does Takao talk often about Sumire?" Takagi stole a look from Nishikita

"Eh not really anymore, he used to a decent amount when we started hanging out but he doesn't really anymore" Nishikita recollected

"So he used to talk about her though?" Takagi pressed

"Yeah we used to make fun of him for always talking about Sumire-san though" Nishikita admitted

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